By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: , Published: January 27, 2016  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:11 pm EST

It is well known in the truth community that there is a secret elite that has an overwhelming amount of control over our world and events. These individuals are usually in at least one secret society. Within these secret societies, they practice ritual magic taught throughout the ages. They have holidays, festivities, rituals, black masses and such on certain days that line up with planetary alignments and/or the positioning of the sun and moon. They also have rituals on days dedicated to influential people from their organization. One of the reasons the month of January is important in their ritual calendar because it marks the progression of the sun from the darkest time of the year, the winter solstice. This report will examine a couple of demonic rituals that occur in January and how the timing coincides with the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and death of LaVoy Finicum.

First, let’s look at the location, the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Located in this refuge is a cave that belongs to the local Freemasonic lodge, The Robert Burns Lodge no.97. This cave is a well-known Masonic ritual site marked with the compass and square and filled with rows of seats. Interestingly the Robert Burns ritual took place on January 25, just a day before the group had a run in with the feds and suffered the death of Finicum. This lodge would have most definitely held a ritual on that night as their lodge named in tribute to the Scottish Masonic poet. There are Indian legends that describe certain caves as being portals to the inner earth, what better place for evil individuals to offer sacrifices to the god of the underworld, literally delivering them straight to the pit. The Indian legend specific to this cave is strangely similar to the struggle between those behind the Bundy’s and government officials.

In the background of this Masonic ritual, there is a satanic ritual going on called the Grand Climax, starting January 21st and ending January 27th. This ritual requires initiates of these diabolical societies to offer a blood sacrifice. It is no coincidence that Finicum got murdered on January 26th, one day before the end of the Grand Climax and the day after the Robert Burns ritual. Both of these Satanic holidays can be seen in this 2016 calendar.

This event was intricately designed by none other than the Freemasons, and LaVoy Finicum seems to have been okay with “dying for the cause” from day one. Could he have known this was going to take place? The title of his own book was “Only by Blood and Suffering”. Maybe some predictive programming was used in this case as well.

Ephesians 5:11 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but even [a]reprove them rather.

Matthew 10:26-311599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
26 [a]Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be disclosed, nor hid, that shall not be known.

27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye on the [b]houses.

28 And [c]fear ye not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him, which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

29 Are not two sparrows sold for a [d]farthing, and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father?

30 Yea, and all the hairs of your head are numbered.

31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Works Cited

Amelia Templeton and Conrad Wilson. “Deceased Militant LaVoy Finicum: Rancher, Patriarch, Bundy Believer.” OPB. . (2016): . .

Unknown. “Robert Burns Masonic Lodge No. 97.” Robert Burns Masonic Lodge No. 97. . (2016): . .

Prof. Doom. “Secrets of the Freemasons at Oregon's Malheur Wildlife Refuge.” Youtube. . (2016): . .

Ivan. “The Hollow Earth maps of the Third Reich: There is an entrance to the Hollow Earth.” Ancient Code. . (2016): . .

Water_skipper. “Malheur Cave, part 1, 4k.” Youtube. . (2016): . .


  1. This is the REAL LAW

    Feds have NO jurisdiction , permission, or authority outside of the DC borders. They cannot, and the Founders forbade DC to own or claim ANY lands outside of their own delegated DC borders. What they are doing to the land and people in Oregon and Nevada is totally UNlawful and UNconstitutional and the Militias need to stand up to them and the Sheriff’s DUTY is to arrest any uninvited Fed that enters his county ! If the Sheriff works with any Fed in any way, they betray their county, people and DUTY. He needs replacing immediately. The Sheriff is only answerable to the people and he belongs to the people and is the last line of defence FROM any Federal actions !
    The Sheriff should have arrested every Fed (this includes the UNlawful BLM and anyone working with or on behalf of the Feds) and this entire thing would have been over before it began had the Sheriff done his DUTY. The Sheriff is to blame for this out of control event and any end result from it ! The Sheriff is who has the top utmost authority in his county over any court, Fed or anyone including the president himself !!
    What is happening in Nevada and Oregon by the Feds is pure tyranny terrorism that needs to be ended with the Feds all being arrested and put in prison for tyranny, terrorism , murder, assault, trespassing, property damage, livestock theft and destruction, threatening lives and attempted murder (burning down homes) and about 10 other charges ! Every Fed there , needs to get the death penalty and some life in prison without any chance for parole ! Feds are hired guns of DC. Mercenaries. Totally Unlawful to operate in the states ! Everything Federal in the States is UNlawful occupation ! This includes ALL “Federal” entities from the Federal courts to their CPS kidnapping agency ! NONE are lawfully in any state ! Federal entities are all UN-Constitutional by their very existence – they have no Constitutional permission to exist much less be armed against the people to force compliance for DC !

    And to say any lands that the Foreign body UN thinks it owns, is total Treason and they do not lawfully own or hold ANY lands in America as they think they do ! Any lands traded, sold or given by DC to ANY Foreign or private entity is Treason ! DC cannot sell stolen lands. The Founders based America on the fact that all lands are owned BY THE PEOPLE ! Government is forbidden to own any lands outside of the DC borders.

    Land DC origination:,_D.C.

    Washington, D.C., correctly- the District of Columbia and commonly (and wrongly) referred to as “Washington”, but also called “the District”, or simply “D.C.”, is the capital of the United States.

    The signing of the Residence Act on July 16, 1790, approved the creation of a capital district located along the Potomac River on the country’s East Coast. The U.S. Constitution provided for a Federal district under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress and the District is therefore not a part of any U.S. state.

    -Key point they are NOT a part of ANY U.S. state.

    Land info:

    According to the constitution, the Federal government technically and lawfully can only claim land that is specifically to be used for forts and ports. Or within 10 miles of Washington DC. To grab vast swaths of the land (over 70%of Nevada and 50% of Oregon) is totally UNconstitutional.

    The Constitution Proves the Militia is RIGHT !

    The militia is correct in it’s interpretation of this case.

    Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 of the U.S. Constitution, which reads as follows:

    “To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings.”

    Based upon the Constitution itself the Federal government has no actual authority over the lands that they claim the Hammonds burned. It is State land, and there is none of the above functions of the Federal government taking place that would permit Federal land ownership.

    Two key words: ad infinitum.

    Forever and ever. Which means congress or any part of the Federal govt NEVER had the rights or power to be involved in state issues or own land in the states, period. The majority of Federal agencies are not only illegal and unconstitutional but are nothing but organized crimes syndicates embezzling our tax dollars for their own benefit. You can bet the founding fathers would have cleaned house in DC long before now – and would have done it THEIR PERMANENT WAY. THAT Is true justice ! Something today’s PC so-called “justice” knows nothing about and why we have all this terrorism and crime by DC entities all over. DC has set themselves up as a total Dictatorship !

    So all these laws and agencies are totally illegal because they never had authority to even occupy offices in the states or state land ever ! DC has NO authority to make laws over the states or operate in any state. There is no such thing as a “FEDERAL LAW” or court in the states ! THAT is OCCUPATION by DC !! DC was never to be the master over all, or a “master” at all ! It is the STATES that were given all power ! Not DC !

    State Sovereignty
    The 10th Amendment states:

    “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

    The Constitution delegated few, enumerated powers to the Federal Government, reserving all remaining powers to the States and the people. Thus, powers of the Federal were the exception.

    The Federal government has no authority to mandate policies relating to state education, natural resources, transportation, private business, housing, health care, ad infinitum. DC is to keep its nose OUT of the state affairs and laws – the states are each their own NATION with each their own state government and laws. Not even the US Supreme Court can interfere in state laws as it’s been UNlawfully doing ! That would be an Oligarchy.

    We call upon the states to reclaim their legitimate role in Federal affairs and legislation (See Amendment 10 United States Constitution) and thus cause the Federal government to divest itself of operations not authorized by the Constitution and extract the Federal government from such enterprises, whether or not they compete with private enterprise. DC is not to interfere in business or any private enterprise. But they have been more and more as a Dictatorship. This must end and NOW !
    The Constitution must be forced back into FULL operation and DC either obeys it or they are gone ! Period !

    synonyms: forever, for ever and ever, evermore, always, for all time, until the end of time, in perpetuity, until hell freezes over; perpetually, eternally, endlessly, interminably, unceasingly, unendingly, forevermore; informal until the cows come home, until kingdom come; archaicfor aye
    “this story will be told and retold, ad infinitum”

    They killed this man in cold blood. The FBI no longer represents this nation (or ever really did) or our rights or constitution period. They have become an illegal foreign unconstitutional crime syndicate. They need to be stopped ! NOW !
    ALL of DC must be stopped from their total extortionist criminal operations that they have become ! Those who are Unlawful and those who have done criminal things must be brought to true justice NOW ! And NOT “PC justice” – but the old fashioned permanent justice of the Founders !

    This must be given to the ranchers out there standing their ground. This law report is FOR them.


  2. There are no coincidences. FDR stated that – ” NOTHING HAPPENS in the nation or government that is not PLANNED with a REASON AND PURPOSE !”
    The invaders (Feds) have no lawful or Constitutional right or permission for any Fed to be in any state. I have the legal report on this that I’d love to get to y’all out there. Bloodshed is a blood sacrifice to their god Lucifer (Satan). WAR is also mass blood sacrifices to Lucifer. This is fact.
    ll of what is happening is planned by the evil ones. O Fed has any authority outside of the DC borders. DC is not allowed to OWN or control any lands outside the DC borders. DC is totally satanic and I won’t go into that, but believe me, it is. DC and ALL of its UN-Constitutional entities are enemies of this country and its people ! There is NOTHING “AMERICAN” IN DC INCLUDING THEIR 13 STRIPED OCCULTIC SLAVE FLAG = their idol !! Just say the first 6 words to their Communist pledge to know that.
    I the public knew TRUE history that has been kept for them, an knew most of what they have been MADE to honor and think of as “Patriotic” – it would shock them to the bone how they have been mind molded and programmed all their lies since 1861. THAT is when all this began with the 1861 Lincoln coup on DC. It was Tyrant Lincoln who is to blame for what is happening in the west now. Lincoln (who was a wicked evil man) is who wrote up the mandate the Feds are acting under right now ! This is what Lincoln had done to the Confederates of the South almost daily ! Lincoln was the first DICTATOR America had. He was never the president of the South CSA Nation, but he acted as if he were. The CSA had their own govt and president before Lincoln was even in office. Lincoln is still killing Americans today because of all he did, every bit of it TREASON ! But that is TRUE hidden history DC does not want any one to know about – they want you to just believe what they fabricated for you to swallow and indoctrinated into you in the government schools that Lincoln ordered !.
    DC is NOT a “government” – Lincoln killed the Founders real govt and REPLACED it with his own Marxist Communist system that we have been under to this day.
    The criminal gang called the Feds, are acting under the Lincoln 1861 ACT that he wrote up.

    The Federal statute under which Ammon Bundy and six other members of the CCF have been charged, 18 USC section 372, offers no protection whatsoever to the persons and property of U.S. citizens. That measure, enacted in 1861, is designed to (only) protect “officers” of the Federal government (including administrative personnel and other bureaucrats) as they prey upon the Regime’s subjects (you). It originally targeted actual and suspected sympathizers with the Confederacy, which in practice meant anybody who respected and defended the right of states to withdrawn from the Union, even if motivated by an ignoble cause. This was done by Lincoln. That is the statute they are riding under right now ! It was how Lincoln was stealing land from the citizens. And he is still doing it from the grave ! Remember Lincoln began a whole new system – it has not been the American “government” since 1861 and his coup. Lincoln began direct UN-Constitutional taxes, created the IRS to be his pit-bull to get the money out of the people and he also established the Police (not Sheriff who belongs to the people) in every city as DC’s standing army to force compliance by the people to DC’s orders. Up to that time and under the Founders govt it was the armed PEOPLE who were the Law Enforcement ! Lincoln disarmed the people of their authority and we have been slaves to DC ever since under their 13 striped slave flag – the ONLY flag for this hemisphere that flew over slavery and the salve trade business ! The Confederates forbade their Christian flags fly over anything to do with slavery ! ! When you fly the US 13 striped flag you are declaring you are a slave of DC and DC is your master ! Whereas the Confederate flags, that are also Christian flags as the CSA (Confederate States of America) nation is a Christian nation without apology, stand for freedom and AGAINST Tyranny and always have ! But the brainwashing by the DC schools teach you the opposite of what was true — .It’s called REconstruction ! And it’s still going on full force !

    Violence has been on that area out there since the 1870’s over the land.
    But he REAL LAW and the US Constitution stands on the side of the land owners – the citizens – and against the Feds, who are not even l;awfully allowed to BE there !
    I wish I could get this expert report on it to them.
    Got to go – I hear a opossum after my chickens !

  3. Though I couldnt be more of a supporter I just wanted comment on conclusions. Numerology or connecting numbers in order to conclude meaning is a flawed reality of coincidence. The odds themselves reflect nothing more than the statistical averages. if correlating this with scripture were done with supplication & prayer, I would think would be more revealing. So moving on I love the video & the truth it points out.

  4. Why don’t these citizens call on their National Guard and Military Forces to end the illegal take over of their country and to arrest reported executioners of Mr Finicum?

  5. The Battle of Bannockburn (Blàr Allt nam Bànag, often mistakenly called Blàr Allt a’ Bhonnaich in Scottish Gaelic) (24 June 1314) was a significant Scottish victory in the First War of Scottish Independence, and a landmark in Scottish history.

    Stirling Castle, a Scots royal fortress, occupied by the English, was under siege by the Scottish army. The English king, Edward II, assembled a formidable force to relieve it. This attempt failed, and his army was defeated in a pitched battle by a smaller army commanded by the King of Scots, Robert the Bruce.

  6. Bannock…mmmmmmmmmm..Bannock burn? Check it out the battle of Bannockburn SCOTLAND…Scottish rites…Masonic…Oh My..

  7. I don’t think that old man had any idea about the ambush another mile down the road.
    I think they started shooting up his car the first time he was stopped and that’s why he drove off.
    It’s pretty rare, even on TV to see a planned out ambush/murder execution style go down like this one.
    Someone wanted him dead and they have influence and power. It’s pretty obvious it was a planned execution.

  8. The quote:
    But this was only a last step in giving up living one’s own life, in no longer defying the death instinct, which, in more scientific terms, has been called the principle of inertia. The first step was taken long before anyone entered the death camps. It was inertia that led millions of Jews into the ghettos that the SS created for them. It was inertia that made hundreds of thousands of Jews sit home, waiting for their executioners, when they were restricted to their homes. Those who did not allow inertia to take over used the imposing of such restrictions as a warning that it was high time to go underground, join resistance movements, provide themselves with forged papers, etc., if they had not done so long ago. Most of them survived. . .
    I have met many Jews, as well as gentile anti-Nazis, who survived in Germany and in the occupied countries. But they were all people who realized that when a world goes to pieces, when inhumanity reigns supreme, man cannot go on with business as usual. One then has to radically re-evaluate all of what one has done, believed in, stood for. In short, one has to take a stand on the new reality, a firm stand, and not one of retirement into even greater privatization. . .
    The Jews of Europe could equally have marched as free men against the SS, rather than to first grovel, then wait to be rounded up for their own extermination, and finally walk themselves to the gas chambers. It was their passive waiting for the SS to knock at their door without first securing a gun to shoot down at least one SS before being shot down themselves, that was the first step in a voluntary walk into the Reich’s crematoria. . .
    This book then is most of all a cautionary tale, as old as mankind. Those who seek to protect the body at all cost die many times over. Those who risk the body to survive as men have a good chance to live on.
    — Dr. Bruno Bettelheim, writing in the forward to Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account by Miklós Nyiszli, 1960. (Dr, Bettelheim was arrested by the Nazis at the time of the Austrian Anschluss in 1938 and was held at the concentration camps at Dachau and Buchenwald. He was very lucky to have been released in a propaganda ploy of the Nazis in 1939 and to flee Germany before the Holocaust really got into high gear.)

  9. Ammon Bundy had to do so to thank the government for all the loans he got from the government (over $500k) mixed with the government grants for cheap grazing rights and the laundry list of aid and shit this anti-government protest is the beneficiary of north of a million dollars of government help… not surprised but just be warry if anyone is claiming anti-government whatever and they owe their livelihood to the government it is going to be a fake scene.

    • Anyone who even supposes charging a tax for allowing cows to eat grass, has serious mental or spiritual problems, and therefore needs to stop & get help reevaluating this sick flawed thinking to begin with. The good Lord provides this as a way for us to eat and our government has so many laws taxing and restricting mans freedom its Isaiah55:10.

  10. I feel the ruling elate is pulling us along by the nose. Thank you for another insightful report on their actions.

  11. If you would like to view maps from 1600-1800 showing this opening .The entire video is worth a watch because many maps confirm each other ,but @1.25:30 shows the map of the inner earth

  12. Although I have cause to agree with your theories about satanic blood rituals, the simple fact is that the Malheur Cave is north of Hiway 78 about milepost 52, while the Malheur Refuge is at least 15 miles to the east, accessed by Hiway 205 south from Burns. Not all that close.

    Malheur Cave is erie, and magnificent. The Masons have bleachers set up deep in the bowels of the darkness in a large cavern. Hundreds of yards beyond is an underground river.

    • So your point is for these sick folks it must be exactly in the spot for the ritual to be effective? I think not they go to Bohemian Grove to so their rituals for ALL of U.S.A. and beyond.The ritual doesn’t have to be at an exact spot. Just performed the evil they are calling on is in the air. Eph 2:2 Rev 20:2

  13. I noticed you don’t have a copyright on this site. Am I to understand I can freely post it on my channel to get this vital word out? I would certainly give you full credit. Waiting to hear from you, and thanks either way. Carol

  14. Are you aware of Webster tarpley’s work on the Mormon / British connection? Seems like a white horse ploy…”never trust a man in magic underwear”


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