By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: March 11, 2016  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:10 pm EST

It all starts when they come for the guns. A futuristic date is set when the police state turns into martial law, and the largest gun confiscation in history begins. The gun grabbers have already come after the veterans, select anti-government rebels, and others. Now, for the first time, the gun grabbers are coming after “conspiracy theorists.”

Recently, the police confiscated the guns of a man who has a concealed carry permit, and who believes in Bigfoot and UFO’s touting that he has a mental illness. Ladies and gentlemen, the time is coming when the world classifies “free-thinking” as a mental illness. A time is coming when the hive mind will not be a theory but rather a reality; and anyone who thinks outside those norms will be prosecuted.

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The recent developments regarding thought crimes, prove the point that in the very near future, algorithms will sit in place of judges, and scripts will be in place of the prosecutor.

Think your psychologist “has your back?” So did 74 year old Ralph Gilbertsen, before the police came and took his guns away. This man does have a very mild mental illness, and has never caused harm to anyone; but his psychologist still sent a letter to the judge and the police came knocking. Even though the man has a concealed carry permit, which means he passed the in-depth background check required to obtain such permit.

“Ralph Gilbertsen says the CIA has been stalking him for two decades. He believes in Bigfoot. He has seen a UFO.

And he wants his guns back.

Richfield police came to his door one day last year and took them away. Now Gilbertsen, a 74-year-old former security guard and Marine Reservist, is in court to force police to return the three handguns they seized.”

The most alarming part is that the only way this man came to the attention of authorities is because he constantly mentioned that the government was watching him.

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“He came to the attention of authorities after individuals at his apartment complex reported that he constantly talks about the government watching him; he particularly voices concerns that the CIA is spying on him. The Hennepin Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies (COPE) called police about Gilbertsen after his apartment managers expressed concern about a series of letters he had written on CIA spying. COPE handles roughly 13,000 cases–only a third of which are face-to-face–and they asked police to escort them to Gilbertsen’s apartment in 2015. His guns were subsequently confiscated.

Richfield Police Department spokesman Lt. Mike Flaherty said, “Officers are often forced to make snap judgments about an individual’s mental health.” He added, “The street cops nowadays have to be a psychologist. People don’t wear nameplates saying ‘paranoid schizophrenic.’ So the police have to go in there and make judgment calls.”

According to VICE, Joseph Olson, emeritus professor at Mitchell Hamline School of Law in Minnesota, simply sees a man who is “eccentric.” Olson observes, “That’s not a crime in America.”

Works Cited

AWR Hawkins. “Police Confiscate Guns from Concealed Permit Holder Who Believes in Bigfoot, UFOs.” Breitbart . . (2016): . .

John Reinan. “Richfield gun seizure raises question of mental illness and 2nd Amendment rights.” Star Tribune. . (2016): . .


  1. I am so glad I sold mine, last year to pay for my truck. No worries now. just a walking stick. wheel chair.


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