By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: April 13, 2016  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:09 pm EST

Roughly 15 years have passed, and the truth still has not come out about 9/11. Speculations, mixed with the largest cover-up of the century thus far are underway. However, Senator Bob Graham states that a declassification of 9/11 documents is underway and ongoing. The truth is that the United States Government was officially behind the attacks, but the new cover up is that Saudi Arabia was involved in the attacks.

The White House is folding; what began in 2011 by the Senator, is finally being completed. The 28 pages supposedly detail who aided and abetted the “terrorists.”

Specifically, it points out that Saudi Arabian officials provided financial aid and other help to the 19 hijackers who flew airplanes into the World Trade Center buildings.

The redacted papers according to the lawmaker show that the terrorists met with Saudi Arabian officials in LA.

In response to the latest tidbits of information, which will soon be declassified. The Saudi Government issued a statement; “The CBS 60 Minutes program was a compilation of myths and erroneous charges that have been thoroughly addressed not just by the Saudi government but also by the 9-11 Commission and the U.S. courts.”

The government will never fully reveal the truth because it would completely derail The USA. However, the question must be asked; can the people of the United States expect to get the “truth” from the same individuals who hid it from us for over 15 years? Tell us what you think below.