ISIS Releases Video Showing Toddler Executing Prisoner in Children’s Ball Pit

By Nate Brown  Published: January 10, 2017

(Christian News) — A disturbing video released by the barbaric Islamic group ISIS, which identifies as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, shows a number of children carrying out executions for the terrorist organization, including a toddler who guns down a man tied up in a children’s ball pit.

In the footage, the black-clad male toddler, who appears to be in an abandoned playground, enters the pit filled with broken balls where he finds a man tied to the fence. An adult ISIS member hands him a small gun, which the child then holds up to take aim, scrunching his face.

The boy shoots the prisoner five times, and holds the gun in the air declaring, “Allahu akbar,” meaning, “Allah is the greatest (or above all others).”

The 18-minute video, which was released by ISIS at the end of 2016, shows other children executing prisoners, as well as being trained to do so.

According to PJ Media, one clip shows a young boy participating in the stoning of an individual, and two other segments capture children beheading prisoners. The toddler is present for one of the beheadings, making a cut-throat motion with his hand to the adolescent boy who carries out the beheading.

The video is believed to have been filmed in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, and the prisoners were reportedly accused of spying for the Kurds.

The following footage may contain material that is very tough to watch.

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at Christian News


  1. Dear: Nate and Emily
    I think that my friend Kearra has been possessed by a demon I want to help her. Can any one cast out demons? I’m not sure how to tell her that I think she is possessed by a demon? I have been praying to God about it. Can please pray for me that God will guide me in what to do. Thanks

    God bless

    • That’s terrible, yes anyone can cast out demons… go to for help!
      There are hundreds of prayers there and they really work!
      God Bless you, be careful,

      • Thank you Nate. How should I tell my friend that I think she is possessed by a demon. I don’t know how to tell her.
        God bless


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