By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: February 12, 2018  Updated: February 12, 2018 at 11:29 am EST

For the sixteenth year in a row, North Korea is the worlds worst persecutor of Christians according to the annual World Watch List report distributed and compiled by Open Doors. Yet, American organizations such as CNN and the NYTimes are actively praising the sister of the most murderous regime leader on the planet.

In addition, according to Open Doors, there are several drivers of persecution throughout the world, number one being the spread of radical Islam. The world over there are over 215 million Christians living in persecution, and until 2017 according to another organization that studies Christian persecution,, the United States was among the top 12 worst Christian Persecution Nations.

However, in 2017, the Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, an Evangelical Christian, announced that the United States would no longer rely on the United Nations to aid the afflicted Christians across the world, as the UN was failing Christians across the world.

“We will no longer rely on the United Nations alone to assist persecuted Christians and minorities in the wake of genocide and the atrocities of terrorist groups,”

“The United States will work hand in hand from this day forward with faith-based groups and private organizations to help those who are persecuted for their faith. This is the moment, now is the time, and America will support these people in their hour of need.” Pence further exclaimed.

“Our fellow Christians and all who are persecuted in the Middle East should not have to rely on multinational institutions when America can help them directly,” Pence assured. “And tonight, it is my privilege to announce that President Trump has ordered the State Department to stop funding ineffective relief efforts at the United Nations. And from this day forward, America will provide support directly to persecuted communities through [the United States Aid Agency.]” — Mike Pence in Defense of Christians

According to the report, eight of the top ten worst persecution countries, where you cannot be a Christian, are ruled by Islamic Regimes. The factors that derive the results for the report are based on the severity of persecution of Christians, calculated by analyzing the level of violent persecution plus the pressure experienced in five spheres of life; Church Life, National Life, Community Life, Family Life, and Private Life.

In addition to Islamic Oppression, the second worst driver of Christian persecution, according to the report, is the rise of Religious Nationalism. Several countries on the World Watch List utilize religious nationalism, mainly observed in Asian and Central Asian countries that are home to Hindu and Buddhist nationalism, to marginalize the Christian minorities.

Across the world, there are hundreds of millions of Christians living in actively oppressive conditions and being murdered for simply following Jesus Christ. The amount of persecution that Christians face the world over should be widely acknowledged by media outlets, however, a still and eerie silence about the matter continues to flow from mainstream outlets.

On the contrary, media outlets such as CNN and the NYTimes, are actually praising the sister of Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea’s communist regime, which is the world’s worst persecutor of Christians;

“If ‘diplomatic dance’ were an event at the Winter Olympics, Kim Jong Un’s younger sister would be favored to win gold. With a smile, a handshake and a warm message in South Korea’s presidential guest book, Kim Yo Jong has struck a chord with the public just one day into the PyeongChang Games.” – CNN

PYEONGCHANG, South Korea — When the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, decided to send a large delegation to the Winter Olympics in South Korea this month, the world feared he might steal the show.

If that was indeed his intention, he could not have chosen a better emissary than the one he sent: his only sister, Kim Yo-jong, whom news outlets in the South instantly called “North Korea’s Ivanka,” likening her influence to that of Ivanka Trump on her father, President Trump.

Much as Ms. Trump has been when traveling with her father, Ms. Kim was closely followed by the news media during her three-day visit to Seoul and to Pyeongchang, which is hosting the Olympics. She flew back to North Korea on Sunday night.

Flashing a sphinx-like smile and without ever speaking in public, Ms. Kim managed to outflank Mr. Trump’s envoy to the Olympics, Vice President Mike Pence, in the game of diplomatic image-making. — NYTimes.

Globally Christian groups are being forced into silence and slaughtered for their Fatih, the World Watch List report examines the reality of what its like to be a Christian in other countries, and during the reporting period alone: 3,066 Christians were killed; 1,252 were abducted; 1,020 were raped or sexually harassed; and 793 churches were attacked.


  1. This is a warning, not only to the world. The world already understands this. Simply put it is already happening. It is happening here in America in more private and in some cases very murderous , published ways. Look what has happened to the Jewish peoples all through time. This is but one example, yet not them alone. How many people through Ethnic Cleansing have gone under the sword. Entire family butchered in cold blood? Now Christians & Jews all over the world are being Oppressed and way too often murdered. Especially when whole cultures preach death to Jews & Christians. There deaths at any cost and often celebrated the more gruesome the death they suffer under the murders hand. America will no longer be spared what other countries have gone through. The Power Of Prayer, as well as asking God to forgive America for her sins against God will be a great step in easing this great tribulation that has already begun.
    Seek God, The Father, Seek Jesus, Our Christ as well as The Holy Spirit. It has already begun. God be with us, God please make us strong. Carl Coglianese

  2. How to we get ready for this when it hits us in America? It has in some small ways, just ask the bakeries. The Bible study that all the members were killed for there love of God. Church fires. The recent Black Jewish temple right here in a local Chicago suburb, just last night. There are also other subtle ways especially on our universities. They will grow in there purpose and in the brutality just as it did for the Jews during Nazi Germany. Only this time for not only once again for our Brother Jews, but for us Christians also. The Bible tells us even our very own families, our loved ones will turn us into the government at this time. Thinking they are doing us there loved ones a gift of kindness for reconditioning. To either be sent to prison, or to be put to death for our love of Christ Jesus. For we Brother Christians and Jews refused the Mark of The Beast.

  3. We as a nation need to eliminate Sharia Law as it is unconstitutional and to have it within our borders is unconscionable!

  4. In addition to withholding funds from the UN , the US needs to reciprocate laws of nations which violate Christian rights just as we do with trade. If Christianity is illegal in your country, Islam is illegal in ours and no immigration will be allowed from your nation unless they are Christians fleeing persecution. Islam should be outlawed as a maniacal psychopathic murderous cult regardless. Any nation on this watch list should also be barred from participating in the Human Rights commission of the UN and their delegates refused visa’s to come to NY. Any nation forbidding the construction of churches or for Christians to freely practice in their nation should also be punished with sanctions.


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