By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: May 1, 2018  Updated: May 1, 2018 at 11:14 am EST

The Episcopal Church (TEC) is removing the terms husband, wife, and procreation from its marriage service in favor of creating a more modern, LGBT compliant service. The terms will be replaced with gender-neutral pronouns such as two people or spouse.

The task force proposed several resolutions regarding same-sex marriage and requested commentary from other Church leaders about the matter. The question posed to other churches; “From your perspective and specific setting, what has been the impact of the Episcopal Church’s authorization and use of liturgical rites for same-sex marriage and the blessing of the same-sex unions on “the-Church?”

Dating as far back as 1976, the Episcopal Church has engulfed itself in controversy surrounding its goal of becoming a radically inclusive church, regardless of Biblical doctrine. “In 2003, the first openly gay bishop was consecrated; in 2009, General Convention resolved that God’s call is open to all; in 2012, a provisional rite of blessing for same-gender relationships was authorized, and discrimination against transgender persons in the ordination process was officially prohibited; and in 2015, the canons of the church were changed to make the rite of marriage available to all people, regardless of gender.”

In response to the aforementioned question, William Nye, the Church of England’s Secretary General, criticized the US branch of the Episcopal Church for its resolutions regarding the matter.

William Nye expressed his distress with the US wing, and stated that “Whilst I have made some overall observations in response to your specific question, the way in which TEC resolves these questions of implementation will have implications in terms of relationship as churches.”

In addition, Mr. Nye stated that; “Despite the careful wording of the preface to the Celebration and Blessing of a marriage 2, in which the “gift of children” is cited as one of God’s purposes for the union of two people “when it is God’s will”, it remains that the purposes of a marriage as understood through the ages have been substantially altered in this new rite.”

The removal of such terms like ‘procreation’ has set Mr. Nye at odds with the US branch, he continues; “in the new rite, the procreative function of sexual intercourse, and the role of procreation as a central purpose of marriage, has been erased.”

The US branch of the TEC has sparked outrage from churchgoers and other churches in an attempt to incorporate radically inclusive practices into their ranks. While God ultimately creates all children, the Bible is clear;

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

While Jesus did teach that every single human being is welcome to the congregation, Jesus also taught the rebuking of sin, and as per the scripture referenced, men who are effeminate, (of a man) having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman, must be changed in Spirit through the redemption solely available by belief in Jesus Christ and repentance.

The TEC also contradicts scripture in regards to marriage, as marriage is used both symbolically and literally throughout scripture, according to the Bible;

Matthew 19:1-12
3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

The scripture mentioned above also clearly defines what God created on Earth; a male and a female. The TEC’s attempts to alter scripture at this level, as per Mr. Nye, the move would ‘irrevocably redefine marriage,’ suggesting that the new liturgy ‘constitute a clear divergence from the understanding of marriage held throughout the history of the Christian Church.’

Works Cited

ROD ARDEHALI. “Church of England is split over US plan to remove 'husband' and 'wife' from marriage service to make it more gay-friendly.” The Daily Mail. . (2018): . .

Olivia Rudgard. “Church of England split over US plan to remove 'husband and wife' from marriage service.” The Telegraph . . (2018): . .

The Episcopal Church. “LGBT in the Church.” The Episcopal Church. . (N/A): . .


Letter of Responses Regarding the Task Force and Resolutions


  1. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son returns. Be not deceived…whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he reap. It’s enormously frustrating to me that people follow this nonsense. Read your Bible…scripture is extremely clear on this issue…it includes fornication…self-control…and on and on. I’ve never understood why anyone would go to a church (and I use the word loosely in this instance) that doesn’t teach scripture.

  2. I know these are the end-times. But i am scared for those who give in to the worldly views. They will not go to Heaven. Praying for those who don’t believe in God.

    • Boy, howdy. I totally don’t understand why people attend a church that doesn’t teach the Bible…it’s more of a “religious social event.”

  3. Satan is “belly laughing” over the gutless Christians who would rather play nice with evil rather than making evil FEAR Good.

  4. Our understanding of marriage is obviously flawed. We all know that God instituted marriage between a man and a woman, but we miss that it was recorded for our admonition and learning. Adam and Eve were real, but they were also an analogy of God’s Plan for His Creation. Just as Eve was taken out of the side of Adam, God planned to pull a Bride for Himself out of the ‘side of humanity’. The entire reason for Creation was God’s desire for a ‘help’ MEET (or suitable) for HIM. Angels were not gonna do it, and Man made from dust was not going to do it either. An automaton was not what God desired. Just like we wish to be loved, He wants to be loved. We were created in His image! He prepared a Body for Himself through the Family He set aside for that purpose, and through them (the Jews) Christ was born. His life was lived for us, He died as a propitiation for our sins, and He was raised for us so that the Holy Spirit could come. The Holy Spirit came to JOIN with us, making us ONE with Him, (as He prayed in John 17). We are joined with Him by being born-again, made partakers of the Holy Ghost, so that we might be ‘conformed to His image’, (a help MEET for God). The Holy Spirit is the earnest of the purchased possession (that is you and me, if you believe Him). Soon, He will come to retrieve us and to give us new bodies, so that we can be with Him through eternity.
    When you see His Plan as illustrated in marriage, you can begin to understand why we cannot change it without profaning the Story it is meant to tell. Marriage is all about the union of Christ and His Bride. Further, the institution of marriage “’til death do us part” affords each of us the opportunity to grow in grace and to learn what love really means in practical terms. God does not forsake His Beloved. He bears with us with great long-suffering. We are to do the same for the one we marry, and as we do, we begin to understand the great price Love is willing to pay that we might be saved.

    • Pamela,
      I read your statement. It would appear that you are saying that the institution of marriage, no matter the gender of those joining together will never be forsaken?

      If you are justifying gay marriage then I would firmly rebuke the thought and intention of the colorful way you penned the statement.
      I would also encourage you to get a reliable view of the reason for God’s Creation.

      If I am misunderstanding and you do support only a man and a woman and the process of procreation then a simple clarification and affirmation of faith are required.

      Thanks for being open and gracious in response.

  5. God Help Them they are being deceived God’s word is the same yesterday, today and forever we just can’t change it to suit our changing society!!!

  6. That church along with this LGBT group will reap God’s judgement on earth and the Great White Throne.

    • Having them suffer JUSTICE with scalding is wonderful. They earned it. In the meantime we have an irrefutable right and an invincible responsibility to protect ourselves and those we know and care about from their calculated evil aggression.

    • Heat all Christians are called to endure, for Christ’s sake. The article is valid proof of the denial of Jesus Christ as Lord and his teaching. Stephen says “God removes the term Church fem Episcopal Church.”
      A more accurate statement is “The Episcopal Church left Jesus Christ a long time ago.”

  7. Why stop there? Why not remove the entire Word of God? After all they wouldn’t want to offend anyone. That’s unthinkable!!!

  8. Leviticus 18:22 and then 20: 13 is an excellent start and then skipping ahead to the New Testamnt try Romans 1: 24-32 and remember, God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

  9. Thus the reason I left the Anglican/Episcopal church and became borne again. Man does not have the right to change gods teachings.

  10. sharing the my name with both Bill Nye the Science Guy and William Nye of the Anglican Church I can say that I am proud of William while Bill remains a buffoon.

  11. When churches make decisions without thoughts of God, they have kicked God out of their church. America and its churches need to ask God’s forgiveness for excluding Him from their churches.

  12. Apostate church spoken of in prophecy….HEY FAKE CHURCH, GO AHEAD GET YOUR TICKETS TO the SOUL ROAST…SEE YA!

  13. Well, if men and women are equal then I guess it doesn’t make any difference does it.
    That’s the whole point of the feminist and homosexual movements is to make men and women equal. And modern so-called churches have swallowed it, hook, line and sinker. Kids nowadays have never known what it is for a man to be superior to a woman so they just become sodomites like the feminists and homosexuals tell them to.

  14. oh dear Lord please remove this church from what it is doing , they are blaspheming you daily now and altering thy word to mean perversion of all sorts . This church is now become the church of Satan while still declaring a generic gods name. please remove them from the face of earth and may there souls stay in hell eternally. This filth is creeping up from hades and every unclean and foul spirit is now ruling in that hell hole.

  15. Since G-d addressed marriage in the Bible as well as things that are abortions to G-d, it does not matter what anti-godders say or do as long as those who love G-d continue to be obedient to G-d.

    There is enough evidence in the scriptures to show Lovers of G-d how to live their lives in a world gone mad. Keep your eyes on G-d and not Man. Man is corrupt and to love G-d means to try and do everything G-d tells us to do that is G-dly and to try very hard not to do things that G-d finds ugly in His eyes.

    Why you all fight this war on the Devil’s Terms is beyond me. Teaching the Truth of the Kingdom of Heaven can be accomplished mathematically.

    1 person tells one other person who agrees and wants to love G-d and allows the first person to reveal the truth. Somewhere along the line, G-d shows up to teach the new believer as well.

    Once the new believer is semi-versed in the WAY, he or she goes out and does the same.


    1 + 1 +2, then 2 + 2 =4, then 4 + 4 =8, then 8 + 8 =16, then 16 + 16 =32, then 32 + 32 =64, then 64 + 64 =128, then 128 + 128 =256, then 256 + 256 =512, then 512 + 512 =1,024,

    Now the above is only about 10 duplications of the message being taught starting with one individual.

    Imagine today with only 1 million people truly knowing the word of G-d in correctness, going out and teaching one million more people and so on.

    The entire world would learn the True Word of G-d in less then 10 years time.

    Now, there are supposedly 2.5 billion Catholics and Christians who are supposed to know the Word of G-d and who are supposed to go out and teach it. Makes you wonder what has gone wrong since the 2.5 billion are complaining about the evils of another group of so called believers who are supposed to remain committed to the Word of G-d.

    Maybe it is time to create a True Council of Biblical Scholars to redefine for the modern world what our ancestors already knew to be true. Maybe we have lost of way and need to come back to dead center where the Word of G-d exists.

    Eg: if you try to come to my place and tell me to replace my bible that has One Man One Woman, with your bible that has removed or changed it – I will punch you in the face and tell you to get off my property before I call the police and have you arrested. ( Just making an exaggerated point here ).

    Now that I know the Word of G-d – I do not worry about the insanity of those who hate G-d and want to destroy the sanctity of Marriage. I make sure everyone who wants to follow in correctness knows to come to me or others like me who remain true to G-d.

    The Scriptures clearly tell us that “were it possible, there will come a time when even the very elect could be fooled by the evil ways of the Devil and his minions.

    The scriptures also tell us to Study to Show ourselves Approved.

    Maybe it is time for those of you who think just Believing is all that matters, to start considering that there is a whole lot more to know in order to insure that you are not one of those foolish virgins who get locked out of the Marriage Supper.

    It is all there in scriptures for those of you that care to learn the truth. And there are many of us who can explain it to you once you come and ask questions.


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