By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: August 13, 2018  Updated: August 13, 2018 at 7:55 am EST

At the annual Minnesota Conference of the United Methodist Church, the historic Apostles’ Creed was edited to remove the word ‘Father,’ to make it more compliant with culture.

The creed goes back to the days of the Early Church and is an affirmation of the Christian Faith. The reading is still widely used in today’s churches and sometimes is used during parts of worship.

At the Minnesota Conference, which was held from May 30–June 1, liturgical folders reportedly included a copy of the creed that removed gender-specific language for God, changing “God the Father Almighty” to “God the Creator Almighty” and “Jesus Christ His Only Son” to “Jesus Christ God’s Only Son.”

Rev. Keith Mcilwain, the pastor at Slippery Rock United Methodist Church in the Western Pennsylvania Conference, obtained a copy of the edited creed from a friend who attended the Annual Conference. Mcilwain posted an image of the edit to social media.

apostles creed

The Pastor took significant issue with the edits because the edited version of the creed removes the understanding of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Furthermore, it “fails to affirm the classical ecumenically-supported understanding of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which teaches us that God has been revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

“No United Methodist individual or body has the authority to edit those creeds which were formulated by the early Church and have helped define orthodox Christianity for the better part of 2000 years,” said Mcilwain.

“To see the creed abused in this way is extraordinarily disheartening, further distances our already troubled denomination from the Church Universal, exacerbates already existing tensions within the Church, and harms those affirming the creed by failing to faithfully teach and uphold one of the core essential doctrines of the Christian faith — the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity.”

Since the early 1980’s, the United Methodist Church has sought to edit Biblical texts to make them more ‘gender inclusive.’


  1. For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Revelation 22:18-19)

    …I hope they know what they’re in for.

  2. If you take away from the scriptures you are in trouble! They are of the world and seek the worlds favor. God is our Heavenly Father, and though He has also “feminine ” traits He calls Himself Father. He no where calls Himself Trinity! Call God only the names He calls Himself in the Holy Bible! I think God Almighty knows His own names!! He tells them to us in His Word.

  3. Who dares to think they know better than God the Father Himself? Such arrogance. Culture changes, but God does not.

  4. Hm. Still using the word “Son”, I see. Is that the next “pejorative” word to be trashed from liturgy, from the Bible? Conforming to cultural demands is NOT what God calls us to do. Jesus called HaShem “Father”. That ought to point the way for every believer. This false teaching and preaching is so indicative of end times being upon us. Revisit Matthew 24 if in doubt.

  5. Next, they will remove “Father” from the Bible because they don’t like Jesus praying to . . .Our Father, who art in Heaven.

  6. The only words they should change should be name of their Church from “Slippery rock” to “Slippery Slope”.

  7. This is nothing more than the fulfillment of one of the 45 goals of the Communist Party. In the book, The Naked Communist, Skousen listed 45 goals and here is no. 27.

    27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion.

    Looks like they’ve done that. Cultural Marxism is gaining a greater foothold in religion.

  8. Christianity is an advanced spiritual teaching that took Hinduism and removed all the surplus “gods” … took Judaism and removed the onerous laws and hate. These idiots are unable to grow UP to Jesus and are going for primitive simplistic tribalism and what I call “HOMERISM” religion that sets the bar so low there is no chance of failure.

    Christianity is HARD WORK.
    CHRISTianity follows Enlightenment through attaining the Universal Conciousness .
    Christians cannot relate with those who do not COME TO CHRIST.
    The ESSENCE of Judaism/Islam is vengeance.
    The ESSENCE of Christianity is Conciousness and ENLIGHTENMENT
    The three MAGI (wise men of ZOROASTARIANISM) brought gifts of GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, and MYRRH to Baby Jesus. Do you think they came all that way, dropped off their VALUABLE gifts, and just left? they stayed and imparted their beliefs. Then, when Jesus was 12, he used those gifts to pay his expenses and complete his studies became an “Enlightened Master” (He achieved Universal God Conciousness) , when He was 32/33 He returned to Palestine to spread his knowledge.
    John 18:36 King James Version (KJV) Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
    HIS KINGDOM is not of THIS Earth …… HIS kingdom is the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.

    • Christianity is about Obeying God’s law and not intruding on God’s jurisdiction by making up our own laws thinking humans can sit in God’s temple. Christ did that perfectly thus making it possible for him to die to take the punishment that we deserved and in dying he fulfilled the law(Which is death for sin). Christ is the last Adam of the quickening Spirit but nice try mixing cabalism with the truth. It is all God’s kingdom as God is Life itself, God is a Spirit so that Spirit is Life. Life is THE seeing, THE hearing, ect. Did you know the meaning of the word THE, THE is another word for God(Theos) GOD. We were made in God’s image so we do God’s seeing, God’s hearing ect. We do what God is.  When man decide to make his own rules and worship idols we lost that understanding which results in all the chaos as man acts like he created himself and does that  which is right in his own eyes. So that is what Christianity is, restoring that proper understanding of what our relationship with God is and he showed it to us in word and in DEED. It is not about work or works as God said, “I will have mercy not sacrifice” But it is about Faith which only God can give, It is not something we do. What separates Christianity is it is God revealing himself to Man as opposed to religion which is man reaching up to God. Problem is man doesn’t know where or how to look or even to look, thus all the crazy religions which is people binding themselves to all false gods. We will only know God if He reveals himself to us and He did so in His Son, but the catch is We will only know His Son if He draws us. There are many ways God draws people, and the people he draws were known to him from the foundation of the world(the true chosen) not the fake ones with the star of moloch on their flag. But I agree Christianity is hard work, It is hard to do no works for righteousness but just rely on Faith, Now that is hard work, Crucifying the Old Man is not easy as most don’t even know what it is

  9. The disire to refer to God as not just male is long over due, because God is not just male. But to do it to conform to feminist or LGBTQ “culture” is idiotic, and a human reason to redefine God, rather than a worship-based desire to more accurately depict our Creator as above/beyond/ human definitions.

  10. Ask them “who do they serve?” I felt the same decades ago with women clergy. Who do they serve? And with LGBTQ clergy. Who do they serve? The answer in each case is themselves. They do not serve God. They have an agenda. An agenda that does not belong in church.

    I will not attend a church with any of this going on. Because you can bet, just like TV, it is full of immoral and subversive ideals. And we already deal with enough of that.

    I had a friend who was “married” in Vegas by a woman priest of some sort. She did not refer to God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit once. I did not bother to tell him it was a pagan wedding, and a sham. A short time later he denied Christ at a party he held, and within two weeks he was hearing voices calling out to him, and he was committed a short time later. He stopped talking to everyone, and left the state.

    Don’t mess with God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit!

  11. I left the UMC in the early 1990s. Back then, they were only trying to admit homosexuals into the clergy. Scripture clearly forbids adding anything to or deleting anything from the Word. On Judgement Day there will be a lot of professional clergy in a long line to the lake of fire. May God have mercy on their immortal souls.

  12. At the Last Judgement, there will be rejoicing when apostates like those of the UMC General Council or whoever heads that denomination, are bound hand and foot and cast into the Lake of Fire. Too bad they can’t be struck down with things like Leprosy and stuff like that NOW. Damn.

  13. No surprise here. They have been going down the wrong path for years.
    What is the Church anyway? Here it is:
    Jesus Christ and Born Again Believer having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit our True Teacher, our True Guide, our True Comforter along with God’s Written Word and the Testimony of Creation.
    Your money has no value there.

  14. Doesn’t bother me as these churches are the offspring of the pagan Catholic church. Their mother.

    • exactly, all fruit of the poison tree, The true Church is not a building or a man created organization, but is not of this world as Christ said, It is a building made without hands whose builder and maker is God. They can change all they, want they are just adding to their sin as they have no concept of that which is Spiritual, and anyone who calls themselves reverend is suspect in the first place. Christians are supposed to be Servant Kings

  15. shame on all of you – you have no right to change the Word of God – You are the shephards of the body of
    Christ – you will all have a party in hell since I believe you are satans favorite church

  16. Gee…. Maybe if we change some words it will make it more believable to the young who are staying away from the church in droves. Hey you morons; “A Rose by any other name is still a Rose”.

    When you change the wording the intended benefit will cause more ire in the older generation than it will interest among the young. You idiots think your are being PC? The whole foundation of your religions is being able to maintain a sold footing for your parishioners. When you go PC, you have essentially sold your soul to the devil.

    The sad part of that is that you still don’t understand what it is you are doing, BECAUSE BEING PC REQUIRES THAT OF YOU !!! Stop acting like children and act like adults. In other words, Parents are not their children’s best friends. They are the parent, and they should act like it, as well you should also !

  17. AS it happens,I’ve known our FATHER since I was TEN YEARS OLD,when I met him ,HE said he was my grand Father,I am of the tribe of benjamin,(Irish)WHEN you mess with our FATHER,you must understand who he IS,…..LAST summer me and him were talking,HE said the churches were history in america,He said he Might save one or two from this church or that church,He wouldn’t save any from most churches,maybe three or four from the mega churches,most none ….THERE will be very few church people from america who get into heaven,LITTLE CHILDREN are the most valueable thing our FATHER LOVES in this earth,Americans HATE children,their military prides its self on going out of their way to kill them when ever they can,Bombing schools,hospitals,school buses,America,you will be cursing the day your mother gave birth to you,when you see what you’ve done,and where 90% of you are going,I wouldn’t want to be you for a million dollars a day,REPENT,STOP YOUR EVIL WAYS…

  18. Compromise has consequences. LBTG will not inherit the kingdom of heaven under any circumstances people. And fire burns!

  19. Their Method is to Destroy Christianity so Everyone will “FEEL” comfortable with Satan’s Perversions.

    • These changes are necessary because the churchmen actually believe that ” Transgender ” humans really exist. The correct and biologically accurate description of people who claim to be Transgender is : ” Surgical Crossdressers “….People are so easily fooled.

  20. I am a member of a very scriptural Methodist Church here in western PA. I know the General Conference this winter may go with the lbgtqrstuv or whatever they call themselves now.
    If they do they will have an awful fight on their hands from our congregation. !!! We are not a social club. We take our beliefs very serious.
    I am not 100% sure how our Bishop feels about this issue?? I know ones in the past believed what the scriptures say !! Evidently the people in Minnesota do not believe the last lines in the Book of Revelation ?????
    There will be so many churches int eh Western Pennsylvania Conference leave their attorneys will be very busy.
    We are a Bible Believing,Spirit filled little congregation !
    Charles and John Wesley are rolling over in their graves

  21. This, is just another example of how there are very few churches anymore, which are houses of God. Most are now just social clubs for the members and a residence for the evil that has moved in and taken over.

  22. what perversions for an already deceived and duped satanic church this has devolved into. You demons who run the methodist church are the ones spoken of in our scriptures you are the children of Satan and you are all going straight to hell fire where you all rightfully belong, do I feel remorse for you, Yes because you have turned to the dark side.


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