By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: August 8, 2017  Updated: January 26, 2018 at 9:25 am EST

In modern times, a man who stands at six feet tall is rather average, however, in ancient times such was considered a giant. The skull of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh was recently, potentially, uncovered from a tomb that was discovered in 1901.

The tallest recorded pharaoh to date is Ramses II who stood at 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 m). However, as part of an ongoing study, scientists re-evaluated a skeleton originally found in 1901 in a tomb near Beit Khallaf in Egypt. As part of the effort, scientists believe that the bones may belong to an Egyptian Pharaoh named Sa-Nakht who lived roughly a thousand years before Ramses II.

After careful examination of the bone structure, the man in reference would have stood at roughly 6 feet 1.6 inches (1.987 meters) tall which is unheard of for that period. Other research concludes that men of that day on average were about 5 feet 6 inches (1.7 m) tall, making this ‘giant’ one of a kind.

The scientific examination of the bone structure revealed that this man had incredibly long bones. Under examination the bones also showed signs of “exuberant growth,” which are “clear signs of gigantism,” said study co-author Michael Habicht, an Egyptologist at the University of Zurich’s Institute of Evolutionary Medicine.

Previously in Egypt, enormous ‘boxes’ had been uncovered, the boxes, presumably tombs, weighed in excess of 100 tons each and were originally discovered by Ramesses II some 3300 years ago. The mysterious boxes were re-discovered in 2012 and have since sparked controversy over their intended use.

The Bible clearly depicts that ‘Giants’ Walked the Earth in those days, and after that in Genesis 6:4;

There were giants in the earth in those days: yea, and after that the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they had borne them children, these were mighty men, which in old time were men of renown.

According to Egyptologist Habicht “In the early dynasties of Egypt, short statures were apparently preferred, with “many small people in royal service.”

Did the Egyptians make an exception for this one particular Pharaoh? If so, what sort of reasoning would cause such an exception to their strict ruling on royalty?

What say you reader?