By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 21, 2016  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:08 pm EST

A military drill regarding a potential biohazard scenario is set to take place in July, and this drill will use Foreign Language Services.

Without a doubt, there is something to these exercises that should make us question what is going on? And what is the military preparing for? As Americans, we have a right to know how the government spends our tax dollars, and why the military is training on our streets.

Recently a job listing came up in Vermont, placed by the FLSS, which stands for ā€œForeign Language Services Simulation.ā€ The drill is in July, in Burlington Vermont. The details of this ā€œdrillā€ are far from the usual crisis scenario. The listing on Craigslist was recently deleted by the author.

Posted to Vermont Craigslist

The FLSS teamed with the DOD (as per their about page) will gear up for some “sort of” contamination drill. The exercise will entail; ā€œSome role players/actors will get extremely wet. Prop clothing will be cut off and they will be scrubbed with brushes and a lot of water (possibly cold water).ā€

There are an array of scenarios that come to mind given this description. Some of which could include contamination, disease, fires, health risks and so on. Given the fact that the FLSS is involved in this particular drill, it appears as though this training will potentially contain foreigners.

The question from there is, will this drill be about refugees? Or will it be about Foreign troops? Both of which are already within the continental United States.

The Vermont drill does house the possibility of being a false flag because also stated within the FLSSā€™s website is their role in ā€œliveā€ simulations.

Foreign Language Services Simulation (FLSS) provides partnership to the Department of Defense by preparing the military for operational support on training fields at home and overseas. Despite our name, our training assets extend beyond integrating and operating with FLSā€™s. We offer Field Training, Instructional and Technical services involving live, simulated or virtual milieus.

What separates FLSSā€™s training above the others? Our team members possess a wide array of military special operations experience. We have vetted these individuals to become Excellent Instructors, to bestow maximum potential to teammates and to pass down vital knowledge from today’s battlefields. Clearly, training must be current, realistic and relevant. Our instructors practice with teammates until practice makes perfect on: problem solving and reasoning, adaptive leadership skills, cultural/environmental awareness and emerging battlefield technologies.

Our comprehensive training capacity covers critical details through training support (project management, scenario development, trainers, observer-controllers, and support staff) and training services (advisors, instructors, subject experts, and training/curriculum development). Furthermore, FLSS supplements staff for administrative, analytical, logistics staff support, strategic/tactical operations and planning, and technical.

Failure is not an option. FLSS knows each and every mission places lives and material in the line of fire. This explains our motto: ā€œWeā€™re not looking just to win a contract; weā€™re looking to do the job right” – About page with their connections to the DOD.

It is no secret that the DOD hires contractors to do the dirty work of false flags, it is also no secret that the military entangles itself with the agenda of the Elite, which is why these drills always have both purpose and meaning to the agenda. It is also important to note that not every exercise goes ā€œliveā€ but far too often the drills done by the government have mysteriously coincided with actual events carried out by actors, hence the name ā€œfalse flag.ā€


Another drill is set for Vermont this fall as well, here is the PDF for what that will entail.


What do you think this particular drill is for?