By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 27, 2015  Updated: June 27, 2015 at 9:40 am EST

The Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage just defied the constitution and here’s why. Black robe judges do not create laws, they do not have the authority to do such. So basically the “ruling” is unconstitutional but somehow it still stands. Instead what has happened is the Supreme Court has ruled that how America interpreters marriage. One thing for certain is that marriage is between a man and a woman, that has been the law for centuries, and just because of the “changing times” that does not change the definition of marriage. As America is being ripped apart and will continue to head down the path of its demise some see the tidal wave coming and others don’t. One thing is certain now Black Robes Now Run The USA.

What has now happened essentially is taking the Law making power away from congress and gave it to unelected officials. Essentially changing this counties constitution to become null and void. Justices do not have the authority to make laws. When this happens, this makes way for a totalitarian dictator, the path America is on is not a good one and it will only get worse from here on because again of one simple thing Black Robes Now Run The USA.

Governor Huckabee was on Fox News tonight to discuss the Supreme Court’s divided ruling on gay marriage, and the need to reject judicial tyranny and protect religious liberty. WATCH ā¬‡ļø

Posted by Mike Huckabee on Friday, June 26, 2015


One more thing is for sure, Obama is gay and Michelle is a man. Here is the white house as of last night:

Black Robes Now Run The USA Black Robes Now Run The USA

The audacity of a president to do such as he has done shows just how dead asleep America is at the wheel.