By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: March 28, 2017  Updated: March 28, 2017 at 11:04 am EST

Imagine a world where China has been the ‘king’ power for the past several centuries, rather than the USA. The world imagined would be one entirely based on communism.

Recently China surpassed the USA in economic ‘power’ or size but what the world is witnessing at this moment is the rise of China politically, and militarily.

We, at The Christian Journal, have covered heavily the foundational shift felt by the new Trump administration. However, more quietly being felt now, is the rise of China. Recently at The Harvard Kennedy School a forum discussion between Belfer Center Director Graham Allison, Senior Faculty Fellow Niall Ferguson, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, and moderator Arne Westad, S.T. Lee Professor of U.S.-Asia Relations at the Kennedy School, took place. The discussion highlighted the fact that China is analyzing history to influence their modern day politics.

Also discussed was the possibility of a war between the two countries in what they call ‘The Thucydides Trap,’ where “a rising power threatens to displace a ruling one, the most likely outcome is war.”

One particular policy that was originally based on socialism is now set for China to take the lead role, and that is Climate Change. Today, Donald Trump begins to dismantle Obama-era climate policy, as he promised on the campaign trail. However, globally China is now in focus as the leader of climate change policy. Climate Change is a communist hoax, designed for control as we have previously discussed, and has Donald Trump has historically exposed; so it is rather fitting that China should be the leader of that policy.

After the demise of the Obama administration, Xi Jinping, the leader of the Communist Chinese Party and President of China, made several statements about their takeover of the leading role in world governance, and that they’ll attempt to construct a New World Order especially under the Trump administration.The United States of America has been detrimentally weakened by the Obama administration, and those prior. The agenda for America’s destruction and downfall has been written by the elites who are attempting to sway the superpower status over to the hands of the communist Chinese. This is war, it’s just a rather quiet one.

But, where does it stop? All but militarily, China has subsequently taken over. Economically, China’s global weight overtook the US recently, however, in January 2017, a top Chinese diplomat has stated that ‘China is ready to lead the world economy if Western nations abdicate their leadership role.’ Geopolitically China is attempting the takeover of the West through subversive tactics and ideology.

Often when another Superpower attempts to overtake another, war ensues, which is why the tensions between the two, the US and China, are so high. Geographically, the strife emerging from the South China Sea could spark a war; on the artificial islands, China is purportedly able to deploy warplanes at any time, says a US think tank.

The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI), part of Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the work on Fiery Cross, Subi and Mischief Reefs in the Spratly Islands included naval, air, radar and defensive facilities. The think tank cited satellite images taken this month, which its director, Greg Poling, said showed new radar antennae on Fiery Cross and Subi. “So look for deployments shortly,” he said.


Naill Ferguson Speaking at the JFK Jr. Forum: Destined for War – Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?

Interestingly enough, according to the Harvard think tank speaker, Niall Ferguson, China knows that they will overtake the US without military confrontation, it’s a waiting game. But, all of that could have politically been decided under Obama because of the foreign policy that emanated from the Obama administration. However, under Trump, the resolve of the White House has yet to be tested. Enter, North Korea.

North Korea, as of late, is testing the resolve of the new White House administration. China is taking leaps and bounds towards every global governance opportunity including overtaking the position of the United States at the United Nations. But, will the US allow China to overtake its geopolitical position without a war?

Works Cited

David Brunnstrom. “China able to deploy warplanes on artificial islands any time: U.S. think tank leftright 4/4leftright.” Reuters. . (2017): . .

Christina Nunez. “China Poised for Leadership on Climate Change After U.S. Reversal.” National Geographic. . (2017): . .

Josh Chin. “China Says Prepared to Lead Global Economy if Necessary.” Wall Street Journal. . (2017): . .

Harvard Kennedy School JFK Jr. Forum. “JFK Jr. Forum: Destined for War - Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?” Harvard. . (2017): . .