By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 27, 2016  Updated: May 10, 2018 at 11:07 am EST

France and Germany plan to enact a European Superstate abolishing the European Union and formally altering the current world order to establish a European Superstate that can challenge the United States’ dominance. In addition, the EU Chief has stated his desire to replace the United States on the World Stage.

According to signed documents by France and Germany, obtained by TVP; the superpowers of the world better get ready for another contender; the European Superstate. In the West it’s America, in the East, it’s Russia and China, but now there is a plan to create a monstrous superstate and abolish the European Union.

European superstate instead of the European Union, such ultimatum at a meeting in Prague, will present the countries of the Visegrad Group head of the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The “passed 20” and portal came to describing the plan 9-page document, signed by foreign ministers of Germany and France.

The countries in the proposed superstate would not be allowed to have their own army or special services. The European Superstate would bring about a unified law and taxation system and abolish the member countries central bank and currency. They would then bring about their own visa administration and enact a common foreign policy with other organizations and counties. Finally, the member countries would have their role within NATO limited.

The leaders of Germany and France are set to enact the new European Superstate effectively taking the first large step towards the alteration of the current world order. 

The document read in part: “The threat of security of one country is equal to the danger of others, so we believe that our security is one and indivisible. We believe that the European Union and European security order is part of our fundamental interests, and we will defend them in all circumstances. France and Germany share a common vision of Europe as a union of security, based on solidarity and mutual assistance between Member States, supporting the common security and defense policy. Ensuring the security of Europe, as well as participation in building global peace and stability, they are at the heart of the European project. ”

Germany and France propose the establishment of the body called “European Security Compact”, dealing with “all aspects of security and defense at the European level”, thereby “ensuring the safety of EU citizens at all levels.”



05/10/2018 – European Union Chief Jean-Claude Juncker attacked the United States for withdrawing from the Iranian Nuclear deal and stated that Europe must replace the United States as the global leader because of President Donald Trump’s decision.

The EU Commission President continued that America ‘no longer wants to cooperate’ with other parts of the world and is turning away from relations ‘with a ferocity that can only surprise us.’

European leaders are scrambling to salvage the Iranian nuclear agreement after the United States formally withdrew on 05/09/2018. Juncker further said that it was up to the EU to take on the mantle of the US, adding that; ‘At this point, we have to replace the United States, which as an international actor has lost vigor, and because of it, in the long term, influence.’

Regardless of the EU rhetoric, US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis reiterated that America would continue to work with allies to ensure that Iran does not obtain a nuclear weapon.

‘We will continue to work alongside our allies and partners to ensure that Iran can never acquire a nuclear weapon, and will work with others to address the range of Iran’s malign influence,’ Mattis said before a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing.

‘This Administration remains committed to putting the safety, interests, and well-being of our citizens first,’ Mattis said.

Germany mirrored Juncker’s comments and further stated that Europe would face increasing responsibility to secure peace and seek political solutions to conflicts.

Merkel said In a speech to members of her conservative party that ‘we have taken note with regret but also are concerned by the withdrawal of the United States of America, which is, of course, serious for such an agreement. We will remain committed to this agreement and try to do everything so that Iran also fulfills its commitments in the future.’

Merkel said that ‘yesterday showed us once again that we will face more responsibility in Europe, in foreign policy, in the area of securing peace, in the area of the political solutions we must find.’

French President Emmanuel Macron, along with the UK and Germany, voiced regret over Trump’s decision and reinforced their commitment to the deal, words echoed by several nations, including China and Russia, which said it was ‘deeply disappointed.’


Works Cited

pch, Kaien. “European superstate. See the original document.” . (2016): . .

Michael Rachoń. “OUR NEWS: superstate instead of the EU - France and Germany ultimatum.” . (2016): . .