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Region: Published: April 19, 2018  Updated: April 20, 2018 at 8:42 am EST

First, it was Diamond and Silk, now its Christian conservative comedian Terrence K. Williams who got temporarily suspended from Facebook.

Facebook temporarily suspended comedian Terrence K. Williams for posting screenshots of bullying and ridicule he received from liberals on the social media platform.

Williams posted examples of the threats he receives on a regular basis from leftists seemingly angered at the idea of a black conservative. One example can be seen below:

Facebook user Staciee Bougie commented, “You aren’t funny you **** battyman” followed by an expletive and personal attack.

To which Terrence Williams responded, “‘Satan’ we rebuke you in the name & through the blood of Jesus Christ. We cast you out of our lives! In the name of Jesus, we send you back to the pits of hell from where you came! We bind you and your demons, and we put you behind us and under our feet! We bind any unclean spirits, and bind anything you try to hinder in our lives.”

Source: Facebook (fair use)

This image was promptly removed by Facebook as they allegedly don’t allow posts that “bully private individuals.” Williams told Breitbart News, “Facebook always deletes the post and says I’m bullying or harassing the people sending the threats and harassment.”

Williams temporary ban brings into question what should be considered harassment. Biblically when a Christian says Satan in reference to a person, they aren’t talking about that person but could believe that Satan is working through that person. The Bible clearly states:

2 Corinthians 10:4  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Jesus even calls one of his apostles Satan in Matthew 16:23, “But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offense unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.”

Source: Facebook (fair use)

Williams prayer for deliverance attacked the powers of Satan and had nothing to do with the individual who was bullying him, yet Facebook placed a 24-hour block on his account. What do you think of Facebook’s attacks on conservatives, specifically the recent uptick in attacks on minority conservatives? Let me know in the comments below!

Works Cited

Lucas Nolan. “Facebook Suspends Conservative Comedian Terrence Williams for Posting Abusive Messages He Received.” Breitbart. . (2018): . .