By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 12, 2015  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:25 pm EST

The latest military extraction drill just recently took place in Indiana. Indiana Massive Military And Police Exercise For Dissident Extraction is and should be a cause for concern. The questions being raised are still going unanswered and the voices of the people are not being heard.

The militarization of police has reached new levels and all of it before Jade Helm 15.

NORTH VERNON, IN | While the media was focused on Bruce Jenner’s transformation into Caitlyn Jenner last week they missed the further transformation of the Indiana State Police into a militarized police Force.

Together with the Indiana National Guard they weren’t practicing solving crimes, they were practicing Fast Rope techniques from a Blackhawk helicopter. Indiana Massive Military And Police Exercise For Dissident Extraction

The above video contains actual footage which the Free Thought Project secured from the department of Defense, of the exercises.

Unlike in the recent special forces exercise that just occurred in Michigan, using live ordinance at an abandoned public school, this exercise took place at the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center.

Discarding their traditional police uniforms they adorned military fatigues and we’re fully equipped to kill.

This clearly contradicts Obama’s declaration of last month to crack down on the militarization of local police.

Indiana Massive Military And Police Exercise

Even while Obama claims a crackdown is occurring, the local police can still use military equipment because through a loophole that equipment doesn’t belong to them. It belongs to the military. Indiana Massive Military And Police Exercise For Dissident Extraction

All around us we are witnessing a military buildup enslave a free people while the media fixates on issues of no consequence to liberty.

The only way around it is to bypass them altogether. Use the power in your hands right now to inform others. Without an informed and activated citizenry can we ever be free.

Indiana Massive Military And Police Exercise

Source: Instead of Training to Solve Crimes, Cops Team Up with the Military to Prep for War | The Free Thought Project