By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 25, 2015  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:25 pm EST

Symbolism is everything. The elite show us exactly what they are going to do directly before they do it, and here is the biggest amount of symbolism that can be displayed and then followed by two major tyrannical acts; Jade Helm 15 and the TPP. Such of which will lead this country in one way or another into Martial Law, a Civil War, and will further the police state until the whole world is then reunited under a One World Government straight from the pits of hell. Again, how do all three of these issues combine, and what does it mean for the future of America. Jade Helm 15 TPP and the Confederate Flag Controversy all gel because they are about one thing. The takeover of America. Directly before the civil war an issue arose and many believed that that issue was slavery, to the contrary please look up the Corwin Amendment and understand that the civil war was not fought over slavery. The civil war, the bloodiest war was fought over federal takeover, state rights, and joining a union.

Jade Helm 15 the military takeover of America has already begun and is due to truly kick off on July 15th 2015 with “the south” as being hostile. History is being repeated right before our eyes. “The Union” is now the feds and the “confederates” are the people, the awake people, the Christians, the gun owners, the libertarians, the freedom loving Americans. Many are blind to the fact that what just took place in Charleston South Carolina is symbolic, so symbolic that it should make every truther cringe at the very sight of what they just did and are continuing to do.

JADE HELM 15 TPP And The Confederate Flag Controversy
JADE HELM 15 TPP And The Confederate Flag Controversy

Jade Helm began in South Carolina and quickly spread, like a virus. Back on March 9th 2015 Freedom Fighter Reports reported on the “Door to Door Wellness Checks” that the military was doing, in the event of a national disaster. Directly after, Jade Helm was declassified. Using South Carolina as a beginning point then looking as to what just happened there was, one a false flag and two the treading on The Southern Heritage.

JADE HELM 15 TPP And The Confederate Flag Controversy
JADE HELM 15 TPP And The Confederate Flag Controversy

The confederate flag, a symbol for rebellion, and of course a battle flag for the South, has now been marked as just a piece of history and stored in a museum. The Federal Government has ordered that major retailers stop the selling of this item as well. However, the Federal Government did not tell the retailers to stop selling the Nation of Islam flag nor anything else that is grotesquely offensive to the USA and the freedoms of every American. So instead of teaching individualism the government is teaching everyone through symbolism, psychological warfare, and signs that you either conform or die. Such is he reason this flag should not be getting taken down but flown higher, and higher because we the people must rebel against this system or suffer the consequences.



The confederacy was about state rights not slavery. The Southern heritage of standing your ground, of holding you beliefs, keeping big governments in check, and so on is what the federal government wants gone. They don’t want the South to rise again, they fear it so in short time they will do away with it. First goes the flag, then goes the South. That is why Jade Helm and the Confederate flag are tied together. Purely symbolic, purely angering every redneck, conservative, and so on because of what one incident? Since when does a historical monument, image, flag, get removed because one person decided to do something hateful? It doesn’t work like that.

The TPP, transpacific partnership, now has been fast tracked and Obama is a dictator. All for trade, and nothing good for the USA. Long ago the USA was sold out to corporations, and now the corporations have FULL ACCESS to whatever they want in Washington. According to some Senators who opposed the amendment, this country will no longer be instead the US will now be a Transpacific Union. Strange timing given that the flag that stood for States Rights was taken down the same day as the TPP passed making the US a union instead of governed by the people and for the people. The US is now governed by bills and rich elites OPENLY.

JADE HELM 15 TPP And The Confederate Flag Controversy
JADE HELM 15 TPP And The Confederate Flag Controversy

Out of all 29 chapters in the TPP 5 are about trade, that’s it just 5. The whole amendment is supposed to be about trade, however just like every other illegal act, amendment, bill that goes through there is more attached to it than what is being said and what we are being told.

Again, how does it all tie in, it is simply symbolism. The confederate battle flag stood for states rights, not slavery, the Southern States are about to be invaded by the Federal Government (the new Union troops), all while the rest of the US constitution has been trashed and stepped on by another UNION, and this time it is not a country united it is a worldly union. The writing is on the wall and each day draws closer to a new civil war over again states rights because they are being trashed and the individual citizen is now the salve.

America, the government just announced and officially began the full brute force takeover of the US, Dictator and Chief Obama has now the authority to pass laws essentially without congress’ consent. Paving the way to a dictator and a transnational union.

My name is Nate, I am not a racist by any stretch of the imagination. If I offended you grow up, do your research, and learn something today. One incident has now proven that, that is all it will take for the federal government to “snap” and take something away from the people. This is truly the Orwellian state, the police state, and if the people own something that offends the FEDS… guess what, you can bet that it will be on their ban list. Thank you for reading the JADE HELM 15 TPP And The Confederate Flag Controversy. Have a Blessed Day and May Christ Watch Over You!


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