By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: , , Published: July 13, 2016  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:08 pm EST

The Federal Government is notorious for using Crisis Actors in “live” simulations that the rest of the world are made to believe are real, even though the events were previously organized. Propaganda in the United States is legal against both foreign and domestic entities.

By the use of propaganda, mainstream media pushes false stories onto the people to further the agenda of the secret cabal. The Federal Government and the Military Industrial Complex often contracts out to the private sector. The Private Sector then hires individuals to do the bidding of the government sometimes in the form of crisis actors, and/or training personnel during drills.

To further avoid spontaneous false flags, some pay attention to Craigslist and seek out the “crisis actor” posts. One may never know when a “crisis” or a “live” simulation will take place. However, the advertisements will appear on Craigslist and other job-listing sites with the date, time, and a very vague description of what will happen.

Crisis actors are not only found in the private sector, but the military, police, FBI, and other governmental organizations also use these actors. The importance of military drills goes without question, but the continual violation of the Posse Comitatus Act has given rise to false flags on US soil.

The purpose of Posse Comitatus is to limit the Federal Government’s use of federal military personnel within the United States. However, under the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2008 (H.R. 4986), which Congress passed on January 22 and President Bush signed into law on January 28, contained language that effectively repealed revisions to the Posse Comitatus Act made in 2006.

The latest call for crisis actors comes from both Colorado and Florida. Both of which are seen below.

Crisis Actors Needed in Florida

Crisis Actors Needed in Florida
Crisis Actors Florida

It should be duly noted that not all of the crisis actor scenarios come to fruition as live false flag events, but some of them do. When they do, often times it was previously reported as a crisis actor posting.

Crisis Actors Needed in Colorado

Crisis Actors Needed in Colorado
Crisis Actors needed in Colorado

Only one of the posts on Craigslist remains active and that is the listing for Colorado. The real question with this listing is why does the government need Canadians? The private sector company involved in the Colorado listing is E-9 corporation which apparently works with several governmental organizations. Their about page describes how well they link all local departments, or geographically remote sites, together to enhance effective telecom communications throughout.

E-9 Corporation brings process-based solutions to high-risk, complex initiatives.  With a hands-on approach to program and project management, we develop and integrate the people, processes and technologies to manage your project to a successful conclusion by providing detailed scheduling, tracking and resource allocation processes to help assure a quality end result that is timely, on target, and affordable.  Our ability to provide cost effective specialization is paramount to our success.

E-9 Corporation’s unique blend of services offers communication network providers and customers complete solutions to meet their requirements for data network and telecom system design implementation from product selection stage to system integration and product deployment.  We handle what appears to be non-technical or the very technical, and implement solutions that facilitate effective communications at every critical point of contact throughout. Additionally, we have internal and external alliances that allow us to support clients on long and short term programs/projects.  We help link all local departments, or geographically remote sites, together to enhance effective telecom communications throughout.

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