By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: August 1, 2016  Updated: November 21, 2016 at 12:11 pm EST

The Biblical End Time is fast approaching, and the flying creatures mentioned in Revelation, termed Locust, potentially are beginning to make their debut given the recent sighting in Canada.

Freedom Fighter Times recently received a very interesting photo of what looks to be one of the locusts spoken of in Revelation 9. After looking into the validity of the photo, we are convinced that it is real. Take a look and tell us what you think below.

The above photo was taken the last week of July in Windsor, Ontario Canada. The flying creature is seen on the bottom left.

We aren’t the only ones receiving information on these strange creatures, L.A. Marzulli exposed one that looked extremely similar.

While L.A. Marzulli calls his finding a fairy, we believe both of the creatures looks more like insects, specifically locusts. Locusts carry a heavy burden as they are known as a form of Gods judgement.

L.A. Marzulli did not personally discover this creature.  Rather, it was originally discovered on the side of a highway by a 13-year-old Mexican boy who didn’t know what it was.  He ultimately turned it over to a well known Mexican investigative journalist named Jaime Maussan.  Since that time this creature has been x-rayed, and the x-rays enabled researchers to see that the creature possessed a full skeletal structure.  The x-rays even showed that the creature’s left leg had been broken at one point.  In addition, DNA testing was done, and the DNA did not match any known animal.

This amazing discovery is featured in L.A.’s new documentary entitled “Watchers 10“, and a 9 minute clip featuring analysis of this creature has been posted to YouTube right here…

Works Cited

Michael Snyder. “What Is That? Could This Bizarre Winged Creature Be A Fairy, An Alien Or A Locust From The Book Of Revelation?” End of The American Dream. . (2016): . .

Foto Forensics. “The Creature ELA.” Foto Forensics. . (2016): . .


  1. Nate, may I graciously suggest you be more honest in your reporting, or at best, do more research into this story and tell the truth! After LA Marzulli foolishly jumped on the band wagon, as you are doing here, and brought this thing to the attention of the world, he has made a tremendous discovery that you’re apparently not aware of yet. As a genuine Christian, LA Marzulli had to eat crow, as this “fairy” creature was a very sophisticated HOAX! He humbly went online to apologize to his viewers and others numerous times! He explains time and time again how there were body parts that were “glued” to this “creature. How did you miss those episodes? He also encourages his viewers and others to be more careful and discerning in the future, so they don’t have to “eat crow” as he’s had to do.

    I admire him for his honesty and integrity!

  2. Cern is the one that will open the pit Not God. God locked those baddies in the pit to protect us.

  3. For me, it looks too much like a very tiny insect that was very close to the camera lens. I know you really don’t think this is the case Nate so I don’t say that to be argumentative 🙂 it’s just that I used to be really into photography and just based on the knowledge that I’ve accumulated over the years, this insect totally replicates what I would expect if one was very close to the lens. Especially that it almost looks like an xray….that is what the camera would do because the sky is so bright and the insect was so close.

    If in fact this photo was not manipulated, I would bet that if enough research was done, you could find a very very very tiny species of insect in the natural world that could match up enough with this photo.

    In any case, you and Emma are doing a great job with all your research and videos! I really enjoy them. 🙂

  4. I would say these creatures are imps. They are small, not particularly powerful demons who must have materialised out of their normally invisible state.

  5. Genetic DNA Hybrid manipulation. These could either be prototypes for the creatures in Rev 9 or precursors to the final creature as a step in process to the final chimera creature.


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