Snoop Dogg Gospel album
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Region: Published: April 19, 2018  Updated: April 22, 2018 at 10:04 am EST

Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. also known as Snoop Dogg released a soulful gospel album titled Bible of Love on March 16, 2018.

The album includes gospel and R&B heavy-hitters like Tye Tribett, the Clark Sisters, Faith Evans, and Rance Allen.

“It’s always been on my heart. I just never got around to it because I always be doing ‘gangsta’ business or doing this or doing that,” Snoop said during an interview with Beats 1 Radio. “I just felt like it’s been on my heart too long. I need to do it now.”

Snoop is known for his gangsta rap, so many were surprised that he himself served as executive producer over the entirety of Bible of Love which features 32 tracks.

Some are doubting that Snoop has good intentions since he has stated in 2009 that he was a member of the Nation of Islam, then in 2012 Snoop converted to Claiming to the Rastafari movement, and now he has moved into gospel.

Tv One interviewed Snoop and asked, “what do you say to people who don’t like the idea of a secular artist coming into gospel music?”

He responds, “The devil is a liar. I thought church was supposed to welcome sinners…Come as you are. We know you’ve been doing wrong and you want to get right so we gonna help you get right. We’re not gonna throw stones at you when you’re trying to do right and walk back in the church house. That’s what’s running people away from church as we speak and we’re trying to get people back in church.”

He then turns to look straight in the camera and says, “What’s happenin, yeah I said it. What about you, have you checked your status, are you going to heaven? Why are you judging me? How much work have you put in for the Lord?”

While it seems hard to believe, the lyrics and soul of the music speaks volumes and proclaims the name of the Lord. The song “Defeated” featuring John P. Kee begins, “Father, we pray this morning for the spirit of wisdom and revelation, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ” revealing the power of the Lord he sings on:

“Changed my hustle to witness
All the things I did wrong
Gave me a brand new message –
Gave me a brand new song
So now I can’t be threatened
By the drama and the tricks you bring
For I will not be defeated –
For there is joy in the song that I sing.”

“In The Name Of Jesus” features October London which opens “You need to get on your knees and pray and thank Him for everything, no matter what situation.” “There is power, glory, faith, and strength in Jesus.”

“Sunrise” features Sly Pyper who raps:

“If you get a second chance, you better make the most of it
I used to ride with the gun guys
Blaze to the fun times
But nowadays, I just praise until the sunrise
Been down so long
I’m used to falling, y’all
But I recognize, this my calling dawg
I been ordained, anointed with the oil
You see today is the day to get your life right.”

These are only a few of the 32 tracks on the album. So often we see artists use their fame for greed and to bring their unknowing fans to worship false gods. Snoops new album delivers a positive message of redemption to his fans, and praise and worship of Jesus everywhere it’s performed. Last week he brought his top charting gospel music to the set of Jimmy Kimmel Live. Snoops album calls on the name of Jesus and features the transformative power of our Lord and Savior. With that it holds the power to evangelize the word of the Lord, leading to a change in heart for the listener.

Works Cited

CBN. “Rap 'Gangsta' Snoop Dogg Debuts New Gospel Album.” CBN News. . (2018): . .

TV One. “.” YouTube. . (2018): . .


  1. Granted Snoop is known for his more hard core gansta rap.. but the article states he has had this laid on his heart for some time.. As a professing follower of Christ.. I have to believe that quite possibly the LoRd is working on his heart.. and maybe this could be a break through for him to actually come to a personal relationship with Christ… again only GOD knows the truth..Brian “Head” Welch formerly of Korn came to Christ and totally turned his life around.. whose to say that Snoop Dog wont and cant do the same.. I mean wow what a testimony that could be for so many that look to him.. ” I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see” Amazing Grace

  2. I. Think I’d be more impressed if it were stated anywhere in the article, that Dog had confessed his sins, accepted Hesus as his redeemer, asked forgiveness and for a new heart and life. He may be singing Gospel, but what’s the spirit? Reminds me of Paul and Silas being followed by the witch, who was telling everyone to “follow them. They gave the way of salvation.”….yet Paul turned on her and cast the demon from her. The point: the message was right, but the source was wrong. The witch spoke truth, but because it was an unrepentent demonized person, anyone listening to her would likely accept her because she spoke truth. It’s the old one drop of ink will taint the entire gallon of clean water.

  3. He is still singin gangster rap and profiting by it so i am not buying into any gospel music by him.

  4. It has come to mind that I really ought not to comment on how, why or even think about Snoop Dog’s coming to the place he is right now. I hope he’s real and good with God. Katie Secouler had put it right for me. Thank you Katie. Who am I to judge. Groove on People.

  5. My concern: is has he made a profession of his faith in Christ, as his personal Savior and Lord? Rom. 10: 9, 10. If not, he’s in it for the money because gospel music is a very lucrative business. We must never forget that Satan is transformed into an angel of light”, 2 Cor. 11: 14.

    I get more than a little concerned when I see secular celebrities suddenly immersing themselves into the gospel music genre. Without Christ and the active “ingredient” of the Holy Spirit in their lives, it will merely entertain and not minister. However, it will fill up their bank accounts, which is the motive of most if not all of them. God sees the heart and if that is their motive, they’re not fooling Him; their eternal reward will remain the same: Mt. 7: 20-23.

    • I’m a bit sceptical. Justin Beiber claimed to want to do the same… But in a Religious sex cult. Please keep in mind… He was in the mainoff Islam… Due to the potters that be➡wanting to push that 1-World-Religion onto the Deceived… Im Not Convinced if he’s REALLY going in the RIGHTEOUS pathway he claims just yet… I pray he b does…Time will tell. once they’ve signed they’re satanic contact, pledged Oath to satan , go thru all the sick demeaning rituals…It’s clause to impossible not to have them coming after them in that industry. They’re Owned by the Vengeful & will make his life a living Hell WITH SEVERE BACKLASH…That’s if he REALLY has the True mindset of turning his life around to Jesus Christ.

      • I have only just now thought that is it really our call?. We ought not to be concerned with what they say and do as long as we walk close to God. So many deceptions out there right now and we could easily fall over with the lumps of ” hey look at me” deal many have going. It would be good to know the difference. I think that I ought to think better. I do have many buckets of salt around too. Giving this headache to God. lol

    • We all must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling..we all fall short of the glory of God. Pray for him and God will do the rest..a tree is known by it’s fruit..I will not be running out to buy it down load his music..not bc I’m judging but bc his music is not my cup of tea. God bless..

      • Totally agree but I hope he’s looking deep cause he’s a winner if he has.
        Just can’t tell yet. Let us see what the season brings. lol

  6. I’m surprised and happy that this man has come to our God but he doesn’t mention the important bit. When he came to God and excepted Jesus as his saviour. I know I am somewhat doubtful cause you know looking at the camera and saying what are we doing to spread the word and all but really why should he be bothered by the people who can’t quite get there head around it. Things like this haven’t bothered him before why now. Living in the public eye isn’t easy and things like this are hard to “get”. But ay, Good on him. I am still somewhat amused by Beiber’s crossover. I guess in God’s hands’ awesome things happen when most people are not ready for it. Groove on.

    • Bribed is into a Deceptive false church that’s a sex cult. When Breuer was brought up to that “penthouse party” in London…He was half way thru auth his sold out concert. The producers & other satanic men encouraged him (In order to get to the Next Level…THE BILLION DOLLAR CLUB) They told Beiber to have SEXwith a 13 year old boy & then to KILL HIM… BIEBER RAN OUT OF THE ROOM & THEN QUIT THE REST OF HIS CONCERT TOUR SAYING HE HAD A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING & HE’S TURNING TO JESUS. As YouTube videos expose this Mega Church he attends… Its a Mass Deception. Then After Beiber left that so called party…He found out that that Boy was Reassured & Murdered on videotape. See They both need to REPENT. & Greet Pitt of America. They’ve got people that are caked “START-WHACKERS”. BUT THOSE WICKED IN HIGH PLACES WON’T LET BEIBER OR SNOOP DOG JUST LEAVE OUT GET OUT OF THAT BUSINESS. THEY’RE CONTROLLED COMMODITIES.

      • See that is interesting but what if and you know we have to give God his due they are trying to be different. If their careers keep going then that will be a suss thing. Most of these people who turn have lost their careers and are not upset by it. If by chance young people are looking at them and are wanting to try to be better and check out what God has for them and did for them then maybe God is in there . Let us see what the season brings.

  7. Who I am that I should judge another person’s heart…only Jesus can do that so I will pray for him..only the Lord can change a person from the inside out..


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