By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: January 12, 2015  Updated: January 12, 2015 at 12:06 pm EST

Only days after terror attacks killed 17 people in Paris, one of the world’s most brutal terrorist organizations is using the tragedy to rehash previous calls for small-scale attacks around the world.

In a video distributed online overnight, a spokesman for the Islamic State – also known as ISIS or ISIL – renews calls for followers in Western countries to attack intelligence and law enforcement officers, soldiers and even civilians.

It’s a message ISIS has broadcasted for months, even taking some of the wording in its latest video directly from one released in September. Still, out of an abundance of caution, federal and local authorities overnight urged their agents and officers to be vigilant in the days ahead.

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“All officers must exercise tactical considerations in light of the terrorist attack on journalists and police officers in Paris,” said an “officer safety alert” sent throughout the New York Police Department late Saturday night. “Please remain alert and consider tactics at all times while on patrol.”

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security are expected to issue a joint intelligence bulletin to law enforcement agencies across the country, similarly urging vigilance in light of the renewed ISIS calls for attacks against Western countries.

via ISIS Renews Previous Calls for Attacks in West as Police Remain Vigilant – ABC News.