By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: April 9, 2018  Updated: April 9, 2018 at 8:04 am EST

Syria and Russia have blamed Israel for a predawn missile strike on an air base in central Syria which killed fourteen people. The allegation explains that Israeli fighter jets launched missiles from Lebanon’s airspace.

Russia’s Defense Ministry alleged that two Israeli aircraft targeted the T4 air base in Homs province and fired eight missiles. The statement claimed that Syria successfully shot down five of the eight missiles.

According to a war-monitoring group the missile strikes killed Syrians and Iranians who were at the Syrian air force base. Israel issued no comment on the matter.

Since 2012, Israel has struck targets inside Syria more than 100 times, mostly targeting suspected weapons’ convoys destined for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah

The latest missile strike comes after President Donald Trump issued a warning to Syria and directly to Vladimir Putin of Russia after a chemical weapons attack killed several children and women;

Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price…

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