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Region: Published: February 20, 2018  Updated: February 20, 2018 at 8:29 pm EST

In all out goddess worship, a Michigan rabbi and psychologist Tamara Kolton is teaching that Eve was sexually violated by God in the Bible and was the first female in the #metoo movement.

She begins her blog on Forward, “The time has come for me to step forward, too. It’s time we all acknowledge an overwhelmingly powerful source of shame and silence — in the bible.”

“The story that begins the bible, the first one that we learn in Sunday school, the founding story of man and woman upheld for thousands of years by Judeo-Christian religion, is actually the story of the first sexual assault of a woman. The woman’s name is Eve. And the perpetrator? God.”

“I want you to think about this. Here is a young, beautiful, intelligent, naked woman living in a state of Grace. She’s hungry, so she does the most natural thing in the world and eats a piece of fruit. For following her instincts, trusting herself, and nourishing her body, she is punished. Her punishment? She will never again feel safe in her nakedness. She will never again love her body. She will never again know her body as a place of sacred sovereignty.”

“What have you done?” He God thunders. Eve wants to defend herself, but she is too ashamed to speak. Eve, our first mother whose name means the “mother of all living things,” is silenced, much the way the “patients” of Dr. Nassar were.”

Was Eve shamed into silence?
Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” (Genesis 3:13) Clearly not. Eve responded and tried to shift the blame from her own sin to the serpent.

She further argued that the story of Eve “granted generations of men permission to violate women” because it teaches people that women are “liars and sinners.”

Answers in Genesis CEO and President Ken Ham went further to denounce the Forward piece as “blasphemous.”
He argued on the AiG website that unlike what Kolton is suggesting, Eve did not go for the forbidden fruit because she was hungry.

“She (Eve) was in a garden full of food, was deceived by the serpent who twisted God’s words, and decided she wanted to become like God, so she rebelled against God’s command and ate the fruit,” he wrote last week.
Ham positioned that Eve’s punishment “had nothing to do with not feeling safe naked, or not loving her body, or not knowing her body as a place of ‘sacred sovereignty.’ Her just punishment for sin was death, pain in childbearing, and discord with her husband’s God-given leadership.

“Shame, and the realization that she and Adam were naked, were among the many results of their sin, not a punishment God specifically handed out.”

Works Cited

Tamara Kolton. “The First Story In The Bible Was The First Case Of #MeToo.” Forward. . (2018): . .

Ken Ham. “No, Eve Was Not the First #MeToo Victim.” Answers in Genesis. . (2018): . .