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Bilderberg 2015 To Bring In World War 3 Trans-humanism


The world is on the brink and here they sit talking about their next move. Everything rides on the Bilderberg meeting, policy changes, wars, economy, our way of life. Yet many people do not have any sort of input into these meetings they are kept for the secret elite who run our countries and lives…

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US Embassy Removes July 4 Celebration Out of Respect for Islam


Does islam respect our holidays? NO. So why in the world is the USA backing down to muslims? Out of respect you say? Well for one the Patriots of this country would like some respect for celebrating July 4th our independence day, do they get to no. So why in the world is a US…

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BOMBSHELL: WikiLeaks Releases Documents Exposing The Regime #TPP #TiSA


What has previously been released shows just the effect the TPP will have on the world. Wikileaks has done an awesome job in finding even more dirt.. This dirt, well take a look for yourself below the official press release. WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the regime and just how they do business in secret. Such…

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The Book Of Daniel Chapters 1&2 KJV Deliverance Prayer


The Alpha and The Omega, The One who is, was, and will always be, The Lord God Almighty,
Blessed be The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The God of Salvation, The Heavenly Father,
The Lord Jesus Christ, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, The First and The Last,
Blessed Be The Mighty, Glorious Heavenly Father,
Through The Blood of His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, We have been washed clean, We have been given Salvation, We have been given the Armor to withstand all the wiles of the devil,
Through The Blood Of Jesus Christ there is Power, Might, and Grace,
Through the Love of our God and the grace of Our God He has graced us with the chance to be saved,
For it is not by might, nor by works, but by faith in Jesus Christ that we have the chance at Salvation,
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the wickedness of this world,
Through Christ we overcome, we conquer and we declare war on the wicked,
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, Blessed be the Lord God Almighty,
Lord let Your praise be forever on our lips, and let us not wander from prayer, let us not wander from the supplication of the Spirit,
Let us not wader far from you, Let us not fall for the wiles of the Devil, and Let us not fall for the deceit of sin and death,
Through You Lord we break the chains of sin and death, and in Jesus name we do so,
In Jesus name we bless our brothers and sisters, In Jesus name we bless each other, through fellowship with You,
Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come,
Lord Jesus Christ we repent of our sins, and we ask Lord that you let us not stumble or fall,
In Jesus name I break the unholy ties that the devils have placed on us, In Jesus name I loose the healing virtues of Jesus Christ into each and every one of us,
In Jesus name I break all the curses of the enemy and of witchcraft, hoodoo, voodoo, spells, and magic that have been placed on us, sent to us, or transferred to us,
Hold us up Lord and grant us strength and might to carry on in these days,
Walk with us Lord, and show us righteousness, for it is said
thou shall tread on scorpions and snakes, and over all the power of the enemy,
Let us not fear the terror by night nor the arrow that flieth by day,
Wash us of the filth of this world, and let us be clean,
Grant us the gifts of the Spirit, and the understanding of Your Word,
Speak Lord and Let our ears here,
Show us Lord and let our Eyes see,
Direct Lord and let us follow,
For it is by You we live, our bodies belong to You, You paid for us to set us free from the bonds of sin and death, so Lord teach us the true Freedom that comes from and through You,
God Almighty, Thank you for the strength, might, and the faith to endure all the wiles of the devil, for if we believe in You we shall do,
Forsake us not Lord, and Show us Thy True Way,
In Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s name,

Malaysian flight downed by a missile, says expert


The truth finally begins to make an appearance. The question is who is responsible for firing the missile? The well circulated answer is the West because of the constant fear mongering and constant war agenda the USA and NATO seem hell bent on furthering. The mystery continues about the Malaysian Flight Downed by a missile….

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Defense Official warns that DoD Directive allowing the use of military force against American citizens is latest step towards martial law


Previously the DOD has also been caught for facilitating the rise of ISIS, the Islamic State. In fact the DOD believes that ISIS would be an excellent asset in the Middle East. Such documentation proves the tyrannical levels this government has gone. DOD Facilitating ISIS. Defense Official warns that DoD Directive allowing the use of…

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Operation Northern Exposure: Over 1,000 troops to take part in Michigan dirty bomb exercise – Intellihub


The increase in military activity shows that a threat is near. The US is past the stage of testing weapons, they are now ready for use, the question is when will they begin to use them on Americans. A massive simulated dirty bomb attack exercise is set to take place at the end of June…

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​THE BRINK – Russia will take part in multinational navy drills in disputed South China Sea


Poking the bear and the dragon, the USA is setting itself up for destruction. World War 3 is knocking at the door. The further the US pushes Russia and China to the brink the quicker the 2 superpowers respond, but that’s the plan isn’t it. All 3 are working together, hand in hand to bring…

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The Control Freaks Are At It Again Detroit Water Shut Off Meanwhile The FCC Gives Free Internet To The Poor


WATER IS FREE AND ALWAYS SHOULD BE. First Obama, FEDS takes control of all water ways in America then Texas becomes flooded and Detroit faces another water crisis. Can we spell disaster yet? The Obama administration has made their agenda very clear and that is to control America and Americans. Every move this President makes…

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BREAKING NEWS: Russians claim aircraft scrambled to head off ‘aggressive’ US destroyer in Black Sea


As tensions mount between China and the US, and Russia and the US the ever growing concern of the start of world war 3 draws closer and closer. Recently and this is breaking news: Russians claim aircraft scrambled to head off ‘aggressive’ US destroyer in Black Sea. Source: BREAKING NEWS: Russians claim aircraft scrambled to…

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