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Russia deploying advanced weapons to Arctic


World War 3 is again returning to the forefront of the news and given all of the militarized movements made globally show the signs that a war is coming. The point of no return has been breached and World War 3 follows suit. The three major players in this game are Russia, China and the…

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Prayer of Thanks


Lord, there are marvelous things that I do not know, nor can I comprehend.
Lord, things that happen in my life, and things that happen in my friends lives.
Lord, I desire to be thankful, to appreciate everything that comes across my path.
Lord, so often life hurts, I get angry — upset, I do not understand, yet Lord You ask me to be thankful for everything, and have faith – thank You.

Lord, help me to be thankful, when the rains come on the just and the unjust, that You care so much about me, that Your to chasten, to build character and godliness in me, to be a mirrored reflection of Your Son to reach others.

Lord, I thank You for mercy, for the hunger for righteousness, for forgiveness, for purity, for providing for my needs.

Lord, I thank You for prayer, That I can come before You and call You Father.
That I can cast my burdens on You.
Lord, I thank You for my heart, the treasure and light You placed in there — the Holy Spirit.

Lord, help me to endeavor, to be thankful for everything.
Lord, it seems most of the time, what happens is about me.
Lord, I thank you that You gently remind me that the things are not about me, however, my life and what happens is more about You, Your will, and Your Kingdom.

Lord, I thank You, I praise You. Lord, in You do I find strength and courage to go on.
Lord, I thank You for the author and finisher of my faith – Jesus Christ and that in You is hope everlasting.

Lord, I thank You for the blood of Jesus, Your precious lamb.
Thank You Lord God!

In Jesus’ name, amen.


Russia Completing Contract on Arms Deliveries to Syria / Sputnik International


Bringing back older issues to the forefront of the war. Syria has been getting ripped apart in the background all while the mainstream focuses our attention on other issues. Syria is demolished and the war continues. According to deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, Russia is observing its contractual obligations with Syria in delivering conventional…

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West Philly shooting: 7 people, incl. 2 kids critical after gunman ‘randomly’ fires in street — RT USA


At least seven people, including a two-year-old and eleven-year-old child, were injured in West Philadelphia after a shotgun-wielding attacker fired into a street picnic, local police said. The children were hospitalized in critical condition. The report comes almost simultaneously with news from a block party in Detroit, where one person was killed and 9 injured…

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BREAKING 2 Planes Hijacked In Russia – TASS


Coming from TASS this is breaking news: BREAKING 2 Planes Hijacked In Russia. One of the planes has been found and the other is still missing. TWO small sports aircraft were stolen from Tyumen Oblast in Siberia, Russia, reported the country’s TASS news agency. The first plane, a Yak-52, was forced to land due to technical…

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THE MYSTERY: Dylann Roof’s friend He Never Said Anything Racist #CharlestonShotting


As it all begins to unfold one thing is clear, it is a staged event. One of his closest friends is black, and according to him Dylann never treated him any different. Again, Dylann Roof’s friend: He Never Said Anything Racist, which means that the official story should come under fire because how did a…

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TEXAS Just Made A HUGE Statement To The FEDS


How many reasons can one come up with for this move by Texas? (tell us what you think in the comments) First and foremost Texas is under assault the feds believe that Texas is a hostile state. Probably because there are too many guns, which would be wise to assume that Texas would or could…

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Video Surfaces Of Chicago Cop Shooting Killing A Car Full Of Teenagers


The absolute police state America is in. When will the line be drawn? Video Surfaces Of Chicago Cop Shooting Killing A Car Full Of Teenagers. This video is graphic, and shows yet again that America is under a massive police state. As stated below there is no reason a COP should just walk up and…

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PSYOP Exposed 2ND Gun Battle In Same Day This Time Bank Robbery


The gun grab agenda is kicking into full swing and the last push Obama is doing for gun control will affect every sector of the second amendment. Earlier today a gun battle took place in Texas, no police were injured only the suspect. Now later today another gun battle has taken place this time it…

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Massive Violent Protest In Chile Video


The latest protest to get covered from all angles is a protest in Chile. The nations are rising against nations and the people are fed up with how things are continually being run. Massive protest in Chile. About 350 thousand people marched throughout the cities of Chile on Wednesday against proposed changes to the education…

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Indiana Massive Military And Police Exercise For Dissident Extraction


The latest military extraction drill just recently took place in Indiana. Indiana Massive Military And Police Exercise For Dissident Extraction is and should be a cause for concern. The questions being raised are still going unanswered and the voices of the people are not being heard. The militarization of police has reached new levels and…

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Texas Swimming Pool Protest The Cause Police Brutality


The latest development in race baiting has been discovered at the Texas swimming  pool party incident that went viral. The police force showed up in and responded with brutality to teenagers having a pool party. The result is now the Swimming Pool Protest. The main cop in the original video happened to be cop of…

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