By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 13, 2015  Updated: June 13, 2015 at 9:32 am EST

The latest protest to get covered from all angles is a protest in Chile. The nations are rising against nations and the people are fed up with how things are continually being run. Massive protest in Chile.

About 350 thousand people marched throughout the cities of Chile on Wednesday against proposed changes to the education system. Some 200 thousand people marched in the capital of Santiago. Wednesday’s march and Thursday’s events (below) were planned to coincide with Chile’s national men’s soccer(football) team participates in the opening game of the Copa Americas.

High School students joined teachers and professors who are now on their second week of an indefinite strike. Wednesday’s events were organized by the Confederation of Chilean students (CONFECH), The college of teachers, the National Coordinator of Secondary Students (Cones) And The House Coordinator of Secondary Students (ACES). CONFECH estimated their group alone at 200 Thousand participants.

They planned to hand deliver a document to the Ministry of Education listing various strategic demands they wish to have included in the reform. “Seven points deal with what we want to obtain, like public funding, the necessity of stable work conditions and a career that dignifies the teacher’s career,” Valentina Saavedra, spokesperson of the Confederation of Students of Chile (Confech), told teleSUR.


Repression of Massive Marches in Chile for True Education ReformAbout 350 thousand people marched throughout the…

Posted by Revolution News on Friday, June 12, 2015
