By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: December 27, 2018  Updated: December 27, 2018 at 2:22 pm EST

Over the years, I have rarely addressed the question of immigration. That’s because I have no expertise in the matter and find it much better to solicit the wisdom of experts. Why give my opinion if it’s no better than yours (or, perhaps, less worthy than yours)? So, this article has no hidden agenda. I’m genuinely asking questions.
First, allow me to share these three different examples.
1) Last week, I was speaking with a South African woman who has lived in the States with her husband and children for more than 15 years. She was ecstatic, telling me that just that morning, they had all become American citizens. It meant the world to them.
2) Not everyone is so fortunate. In the early 2000’s, one of our ministry school grads wanted to stay here in the States and applied for citizenship, along with his wife. They were from Norway, they were well-educated, they had a stellar track record, and he was an employee of our school. Despite our best efforts, including hiring an immigration lawyer, they were denied a path to citizenship and had to return home.
3) A few years ago, I was contacted via social media by the son of a Vietnamese couple who had fled Vietnam when we pulled our troops out, suffering terribly before reaching our shores. They were among the Boat People of the late 1970s to early 1980s, and their stories were heartbreaking.
My wife, Nancy, and I were part of a church that got involved in sponsoring these refugees, so if we had a spare bed or couch, we welcomed them into our homes. This couple was the first of a number of Vietnamese refugees to live with us, together with their baby boy.
We had not been in touch with them for quite a few years, and it was another son who was now contacting us. But he wanted to put me back in touch with his parents, which was an incredible experience for all of us. The father told me he had recently become an American citizen and chose my name, Michael, as his new name. Incredible!
Now, I present these three diverse cases here simply to say this: For many decades now, people come to our shores (or, across our borders) to find refuge in this land of opportunity, or to start a new life, or simply to continue on the path most important to them. And we have a process by which people become American citizens.
There will always be more refugees and potential immigrants wanting to come to our country than is possible for us to absorb. (Again, we have little idea how much opportunity America presents, especially when compared to the many impoverished and war-torn nations of the world.) But we must have an orderly system to process these refugees and potential immigrants. Otherwise we will have chaos.
If you’ve ever crossed the border into Canada or Mexico, you know that sometimes you can wait for several hours to get through, depending on the busyness of the traffic. And it’s not uncommon to get questioned at length if the officers are not happy with your answers. As annoying as this can be, countries need borders.
As for American policy, an immigration website notes that, “The United States has been the top destination for international migrants since at least 1960, with one-fifth of the world’s migrants living there as of 2017. Despite its long history of immigration, the United States has oscillated between perceiving immigration as a valuable resource and as a major challenge.”
According to Wikipedia, “In absolute numbers, the United States has a larger immigrant population than any other country, with 47 million immigrants as of 2015. This represents 19.1% of the 244 million international migrants worldwide, and 14.4% of the U.S. population.”
Those are some amazing stats, and all of this leads me to my questions, which I’m not asking as a Trump-supporter or a Trump-basher. I’m asking in the most objective way possible.
First, if illegal immigrants are flooding our country, what’s so controversial about building a border wall? There’s a legal process for immigration and we take in hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year. What’s wrong with keeping the illegals out?
Second, since when has anyone been able to force us to take in immigrants? Who decided that the way we treat a migrant caravan – one that was ostensibly stirred up by leftwing activists – is now a test of our national compassion? Don’t we have a long-term track record of compassionate response to refugees?
Third, what’s so controversial about wanting to preserve our national identity? After all, people want to come to America for a reason. If we cease to be America, there’s no reason for people to come here. Can we learn nothing from what some European countries are now experiencing due to a massive influx of Muslim immigrants, many of whom have little or no desire to become incorporated into the host country’s national culture?
Fourth, why would it be so hard to make a path for citizenship, with penalties, for those who came in illegally years ago but have been working jobs, obeying the laws, and contributing to the good of the society? Why must they be deported according to some hardliners? Is there no middle ground?
Again, I’m not asking these questions to prove a point or to support or undermine the president. And, to repeat, I don’t talk about this much because it’s not an area of focus or expertise for me. But the current caravan crisis, coupled with my conversation with the South African woman prompted me to put these on the table for your input.
How about some common sense responses without political vitriol? I’ll read your comments with interest. Thanks!


  1. Wow! That was an awesome article, with great questions! Not because you shared my heart, but because it’s the plain and simple truth. This exercise of “immigration” is nothing more than a pathway for invasion and ultimate conquest.

    Traitor Trudeau signed the “Global Compact” on Dec. 10, 11, which stripped my beautiful country of Canada of its national sovereignty, and turned it into Kanadastan. It also strips us of our freedom of speech! No longer will we be permitted sometime in the near future, to say the words, “Immigration”, “immigrant”, “Muslim”, “Islam”, or anything relating to the same! He makes the laws behind our backs, behind closed doors, without public discussion, vote, or input whatsoever. He has effectively set us up for our own slaughter…without conscience, but full knowledge. That makes him a traitor of the highest kind.

    Like the USA, we have a governmental party system where basically two main parties carry forth the same agenda. If you don’t like the way one party runs ‘er, you can vote for another, or at least vote for some independents who will garner so few votes, that they won’t even show up on the electoral radar! The problem is. voting for either the Liberals (Demoncrats) or the “Progressive Conservatives (Republicans), we are actually voting for the same party platform: communism and the NWO! We are given the false impression that via voting, we actually have a voice in our governance, which means we indenture ourselves as slaves to those who are supposed to be working for us! It doesn’t get any more stupid than that! If we truly had a democracy, our elected leaders would be working for us, not against us. We’ve been asleep at the wheel for so long, or drugged up, that the majority no longer cares about such issues. They will not see it coming, but soon, our rivers will be flowing with our own N. American blood!

    Here’s a little something of grave importance that came across my desk yesterday:

    I’m not sure it came out for you, but it’s a Muslim “immigrant” speaking out on an Arabic channel that he didn’t come to Canada to flee persecution from ISIS but to Islamatize us! Finally, someone on the opposite side is confirming what I’ve been saying for an awfully long time!

    Sorry for taking up so much of your time and space, but that’s what’s happening here. I will be 60 in a couple of weeks, and those of my generation and older are all saying, “Our country is done!” It’s true. The only thing we have to look forward to is:
    1. To be raptured up and out of here
    2. To be killed for our faith and obedience to God Almighty.

    If someone told me 20 years ago that I would be talking this way, I’d have laughed in their face in total disbelief.

    Keep up the great work/ministry! God bless you, as you remain faithful to Him!

  2. To be honest, as an on looking Brit, I’m a bit bemused by America’s apparently increasing inhospitality. After all, Americans are a nation of immigrants, including the “first nations” of native Americans who trace their ancestry to Adam and Eve who lived in what is now Iraq! But we’re no better here: where Trump has failed to build a wall, our prime minister has built one in Calais, France to try and stop people immigrating. I feel a post coming on about how unbiblical our in hospitality is! …

    • Greetings, Robert!

      I’m a Canadian, and there is very good reason for this “inhospitality”. President Trump has emphatically repeated, “We welcome immigrants to the United States, but you MUST come in through the legal channels.” What is so “inhospitable” about that? I cannot go into the USA, England, or any other country without a passport, nor can you. Therefore, why should it be o.k. for immigrants that are not interested in immigrating but invading and taking over? They come to the US border with Guatemalan flags raised high in a victory salute; if their country is so praiseworthy, than why are they leaving it?

      They come with incurable diseases, no employment skills, no identification, faces covered, etc. Does this sound like someone with a friendly agenda to you? Why doesn’t Mexico keep them? Why are they so intent upon coming to the USA? Who put them up to this? The UK already has insurmountable problems due to the immigration invasion, and if I were you, I’d be more concerned about the issues within my own homeland.

      We have the same problems going on in Canada, so please don’t feel I’m pointing you out. The majority of Canadians have been so successfully brainwashed by the MSM and swept up by the lies re: Pres. Trump, that they overlook our own Traitor Trudeau and his antics! In Canada, Trump is being used as a distraction while Trudeau undermines and writes off our freedoms of speech! Are you aware that last Dec. 10, 11, at the Global Compact Summit, sponsored by the UN, that he signed away our national sovereignty and our right to free speech? Yes, indeed, but we won’t hear anything about this on the hellevision!

      A few weeks prior to this summit, he cleverly bought off the mainstream media by GIVING them over ½ billion dollars as hush money! They had to be carefully screened and basically swear that they would do his bidding, twisting even further the fake news they give us! Alternative news sources weren’t offered a nickel/farthing, nor would they accept it if it had been proffered!

      Did your country join him in Morocco to sell you folks out also? Has your media been further bought off to keep the truth from getting to the airwaves? The USA had enough presence of mind to NOT even attend! Why? I’m so glad you asked!

      Pres. Trump said during his campaign that he is a nationalist, and that he will restore the USA to her former glory, strength, and power! I applaud him for that statement; that’s what the leader of every country should want for their people. He is anathema to the Globalists because they want a very evil and tyrannical one-leader totalitarian system imposed upon the planet. They’ve been over 5,000 years in the making of this, and they making a false sense of reality, so they can create chaos which will jumpstart this evil entity known as the New World Order.

      Robert, immigration is a wonderful thing when wonderful people with skills and a willingness to assimilate are the ones who are coming in. These “immigrants” aren’t even applying to come in, and they don’t assimilate! They’re attacking the border guards; trying to climb up over the fence, under the fence, etc. They’re shouting obscenities at the very authorities who have the power to let them into the country, so they’re really winning an armful of kudos by treating these authorities in such a hospitable manner, wouldn’t you say? Does this sound like someone who would be appreciative of their new country? Hardly! It’s an invasion, plain and simple, coddled and covered by the MSM.

      Not only does Canada have a Muslim prime monster, our Min. of Immigration is a Muslim; our Min. of Defense is a Sikh, and on and on it goes. Born and bred national Canadians are being totally taken over and replaced by invaders, under the guise of “immigration”! Our judiciary and municipal governments (like yours) is being quickly overturned and replaced with Muslims; our professional segment of society is being taken over by Muslims; our private dental practices, etc. are being bought up by Muslims, etc. Canadians are being quickly exterminated by the Muslim breeding program. Traitor Trudeau supports and encourages abortions of Canadian babies while urging his fellow Muslims to have large families. Does this seem like a “hospitable” thing to do to your own fellow countrymen who’ve lived here all of our lives, who pay his salary?

      What is happening at the borders is not about hospitality; it’s about a very serious unchecked invasion in Canada, and not so much in the USA! My hat’s off to Pres. Trump for trying to defend his people. Let’s not forget…you can go to YT or the MSM news archives and see the USA’s Democrats following Obama’s lead to construct a border wall! Now that Trump has a pair of man berries, and is putting actions behind his words, thereby showing him up, they hypocritically do not want a wall anymore. What changed?

      I can guarantee you, in a few months, I’ll be imprisoned for making this post to you, as I’m not ALLOWED to speak this way! So much for hospitality being a two-way street!


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