By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: September 1, 2015  Updated: September 1, 2015 at 1:07 am EST

Say what? How do they just loose a 27 pound box of radioactive material? This is horrific, and could wind up being very deadly. What are the chances that it lands in the wrong hands, and since when does radioactive material just travel through Fedex?

TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY – Texas A&M and a shipping company are searching for radioactive material that was supposed to find its way to an on-campus office, but has gone missing.

On Friday, an internal email was sent by Christopher Meyer, an assistant vice president with the Office of Safety and Security, asking for assistance in finding this box.

According to the email, the FedEx shipment left from Edina, Minnesota, and the Science Engineering and Education Company. SEE Co. has a branch that makes radioactive material for equipment and research called Ritverc.

“The outside of the package has a logo from RITVERC and has UN2910 marking,” according to Meyer’s email obtained by News 3. UN2910 is a label used to denote radioactive material in a limited quantity.

The package is said to be a medium sized cardboard box, each side 20 inches in length, and weighing about 27 pounds.

The memo also says FedEx records show a delivery of the package on August 21, with a “KHOUSELY” signing for it.

In a statement to News 3, a Texas A&M spokesperson notes they are confident the package was not received by A&M’s Radiation Safety Office, and that while it is missing and needs to be found, the radioactive material does not pose a threat if it remains secured and is not disturbed.

The following statement was released by Texas A&M Monday:

Texas A&M University has been working with Federal Express to locate a missing package that was shipped to — but we are confident was not received by — the Texas A&M Radiation Safety Office containing a radioactive source used for research purposes. We obviously want to locate this package as quickly as possible because it does contain radioactive material, but we hasten to add it doesn’t present a health threat to the community provided the contents, which are secured in a box with two layers of inner containment, are not disturbed. This sealed package, like many others, are routinely sent via Federal Express from companies that specialize in providing sensitive shipments to universities and other entities. This matter has been reported to all appropriate federal and state regulatory agencies. If anyone has any information that could help us locate this package please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office immediately (979) 845-2132.