By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 12, 2018  Updated: July 12, 2018 at 6:44 am EST

On July 4th, 2018 Michelle Wolf, the host of ‘The Break,’ spent the show ranting about abortion even going so far as to say ‘God Bless Abortion.’

Michelle Wolf a few months ago was the speaker at the White House correspondence dinner where she proceeded to attack those who are affiliated with the Republican party and also those who voted for President Trump.

Wolf took it a step further that night by verbally assaulting the White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. Wolf, attacked the appearance of Sanders, while the Press Secretary was only a few feet away.

After the ordeal, the media remained silent on the matter because Wolf is anti-Trump, however, had Sarah been the one to verbally attack Wolf it would have been all over the media.

Furthermore, just recently, on Michelle Wolf’s tv show she continued her narrative of attacking anyone who is pro-life. In her “Fourth of July Commemoration,” she ranted about how Justice Anthony Kennedy’s decision to step down could affect the Roe V. Wade argument.

She called those who are pro-life anti-woman because “being anti-abortion, means they’re anti-woman.” Continuing on she claimed that those who support life and use the phrase, pro-life, are using the phrase as ‘propaganda.’

However, Wolf didn’t stop there she continued by saying that having an abortion is something to be ‘proud of’ because it’s a ‘good thing.’

After that, Wolf then attacked men by saying that your opinions on the matter are ‘irrelevant.’ Furthermore, she attempted to belittle men by saying that they are only good for ‘physical strength,’ while women are the ones who ‘give life.’

While factually well off basis, the radical continued by claiming that there should be no regulation surrounding abortion and that “it should be on the dollar menu at McDonald’s.”

To close her tirade, she dawned an American themed outfit during a skit called ‘a salute to abortion’ and said; “Abortion — I salute you! Women, if you need an abortion, get one. If you want an abortion, get one,” Wolf declared. “It’s up to you, and it doesn’t have to be a big deal. It’s actually a great deal. It’s about $300. That’s like six movie tickets.”

“And women, don’t forget, you have the power to give life and men will try to control that. Don’t let them,” Wolf concluded. “God bless abortions!”

Michelle Wolf’s show is on Netflix, and recently Netflix came under fire for potentially distributing child pornography as one of the shows offered by the Media Company contains disturbing content regarding children.

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  1. I cancelled my subscription this week because of Michelle Wolf and because of Netflix’ defense of borderline kiddie porn.

  2. Finished with Netflix. It’s called voting with your pocketbook. Just one more corporation that the government will promise to bail out if the people get wise to their addenda

  3. The vile left want you all DEAD. They hate you, hate your country and is calling for its DEATH. We don’t so why don’t we start putting them out of their misery?

  4. Boycott Netflix and all their affiliates. Hitting them in the wallet hurts them most, so make sure to send this article to every Christian you know, as well as those you don’t know. Send it everyone. Truth is what the Left seems to hate most. Its time to kick this horribly unfunny skank to the curb.

  5. May be abortion should be made a requirement if you are pregnant and a brainwashed Liberal. Wasn’t the whole idea of the Eugenics push by the Elitist to think the ranks of the useless eaters and undesirables?

  6. These are the same people who lamented the separation of families at the border and shed crocodile tears ‘for the children’. They really don’t care a rat’s patootie about children. I have never seen such sick, demented, twisted, evil minds at work. Yes, judgment is definitely coming upon America.

  7. what’s so ironic is that pro-lifers are actually trying to save the lives of FEMALES (as well as males); I think they’re the opposite of what wolf claims about them (as “antiwoman”); how much more “pro-woman” can you get than to save a helpless female from her murderer?

  8. Is there not someone who will stand in the breach at NETFLIX and say that this is wrong or have they all bought the LIE that GOD is dead, children have no rights, and there is no judgement.

  9. i have allways been against abortion and will allways stand against the murder of unborn children…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  10. You are correct! This “show” about abortion was the most Satanic attack on humans I ever saw. Wolf even had the audacity to claim that unborn people were actually non-human eggs. This idea sickens me and proves we as a country are close to our judgement!


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