Filial Correction an act of loyalty to Pope: organizer responds to Opus Dei

Updated: October 4, 2017 at 8:30 pm EST  See Comments

Diane Montagna

ROME, October 4, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — The number of signatories of the “filial correction,” charging Pope Francis with permitting the spread of seven heresies, at least by omission, has risen to 216. That is up from 40 when the letter was delivered to the Pope’s residence at Santa Marta on August 11, and 62 when the document was made public on September 24.

But the Correction has also met with criticism, including from Opus Dei.

On September 30, the Vicar General of the Prelature, Msgr. Mariano Fazio of Argentina, accused the authors in an interview with La Nación of attacking the pope, sowing disunity and using the “totally wrong method.”

“If it is a filial relation, a son does not ‘correct’ his father in public,” Msgr. Fazio said.

The second in command of Opus Dei continued: “Any faithful, bishop, cardinal, lay person has the right to tell the pope what he sees fit for the good of the Church. But it seems to me that he has no right to do so publicly and to scandalize the whole Church with these manifestations of disunity.”

We spoke to Joseph Shaw, Fellow and Tutor

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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