President Trump Pushes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood: “P.P. Will Continue if They Stop This Plan”

Updated: March 24, 2017 at 12:47 pm EST  See Comments

President Donald Trump is pushing the bill to defund Planned Parenthood today saying that funding for the abortion business will continue if opponents of the measure stop it.

Trump sent out a tweet designed to encourage conservative Republicans to support the bill who are saying they may vote against it because it does not repeal as much of Obamacare as they would like. He said they should reconsider their position because it would defund the plant here and her abortion business and that funding would continue if the bill is defeated.

Trump sent out a subsequent tweet that also said the rising costs associated with Obamacare would be addressed it’s a legislation is approved.

“This legislation would eliminate multiple abortion-subsidizing and abortion-expanding provisions of the Obama Health Care law or the PPACA. The PPACA contains multiple provisions authorizing federal subsidies for abortion and abortion-expanding regulatory mandates,” it said.

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

A 2014 GAO report revealed that over 1,000 federally subsidized plans nationwide were covering elective abortion. H.R. 1628 would repeal the provisions of law that created this system, and prohibit any future federal tax credits from subsidizing the purchase of plans that cover elective abortion, thereby restoring the longstanding principles of the Hyde Amendment with respect to federally funded health coverage.”

National Right to Life told LifeNews: “We are supporting H.R. 1628 because it: 1) prevents credits from  being used for plans that pay for abortions, 2) eliminates about 85% of federal PP funding for the next year, 3)  preserves non-taxed employer  provided health plans and 4) postpones the “Cadillac tax” until 2026.”

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