Protesters Vow to ‘Dismember’ School Board Leader, Kill Her Kids Over Parental Notification Vote

Updated: July 27, 2023 at 4:57 pm EST  See Comments

A California school board president says she is facing death threats after the board issued a new parental notification policy stating a child’s parents will be advised if the student identifies as transgender at school.

The Chino Valley (California) Unified School District (CVUSD) policy says school officials will notify parents in writing within three days if a child requests:

  • To be identified or treated as a gender other than the student’s biological sex or gender listed on the student’s birth certificate or any other official records
  • To use a name that differs from their legal name or use pronouns that do not align with the student’s biological sex or gender listed on the student’s birth certificate or other official records
  • To access sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, or using bathroom or changing facilities that do not align with the student’s biological sex or gender. 

The board adopted the resolution Thursday by a 4-1 vote, with member Donald Bridge casting the lone dissenting vote, according to The Daily Signal

slider img 2CVUSD President Sonja Shaw told “Washington Watch With Tony Perkins” on Monday a death threat came in an anonymous phone call the day after the vote. 

“The next morning, our district got a phone call. A lot of things were said, but one thing was very clear — this person was going to kill me, and they said they were going to dismember my body parts, my limbs more specifically,” Shaw told Perkins during the show on Monday.

Shaw then checked her work email account, and said there were messages saying, “You’re going to die,” “Your children are going to die, and your animals are going to die,” she said. 

“I also got notification that people who identify as being in the terrorist organization Antifa posted on their website, ‘We declare war on Sonja Shaw,'” the CVUSD president told Perkins. She also added that the group posted her address on the site. 

“They said, ‘We know where you sleep’,” Shaw said. “They said things like, ‘Use all possible force to stop her’.”

“I’m not going to lie. I was shaking,” she told Perkins on Monday. 

The incident came just days after Shaw removed California State Superintendent Tony Thurmond from a school board meeting after he showed up to object to the policy. He warned that the policy “may fall outside of the laws that respect privacy and safety for our students, but may put our students at risk because they may not be in homes where they can be seen,” according to Fox News

Responding to Thurmond, Shaw reportedly said, “I appreciate you being here tremendously. But here’s the problem. We’re here because of people like you. You’re in Sacramento proposing things that pervert children.” 

Thurmond refused to leave after his time had expired, so he was escorted out of the meeting by security guards.

State Senator Receives Death Threat After Voting to Protect Kids 

And it’s not just happening in California. In Louisiana, state Republican Sen. Mike Fesi said he received a death threat from a graduate teaching assistant after voting to override Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards’ veto on legislation designed to protect children from transgender surgery and puberty blockers. 

The state House voted 76-23 on July 18 to override the veto, and the Senate voted 28-11 to override the veto the following day, according to The Daily Signal

“No type of threat would ever stop me from trying to save children and keep them from being mutilated or from facing any other harm,” state Sen. Michael “Big Mike” Fesi, a Republican representing southern Louisiana, told the outlet in a phone interview Tuesday. 

Fesi said following the vote to overturn Edwards’ veto, he received a profane voicemail message from a man later identified as Louisiana State University graduate student Marcus Venable who threatened to put the senator “in the ground,” according to the outlet. 

The senator notified law enforcement officials about the call and they tracked the telephone number. 

“When they talk about ‘put you in the ground,’ you absolutely call the police,” Fesi told The Daily Signal

Venable, a graduate assistant at Louisiana State University, has been barred by the school from teaching after leaving the voicemail, according to KCBY-TV

“As a university, we foster open and respectful dialogue,” LSU spokeswoman Abbi Rocha Laymoun said. “Like everyone, graduate students with teaching assignments have the right to express their opinions, but this profanity-filled, threatening call crossed the line.”

“This does not exhibit the character we expect of someone given the privilege of teaching as part of their graduate assistantship,” she added. “The student will be allowed to continue their studies but will not be extended the opportunity to teach in the future.”

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