By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: October 16, 2018  Updated: October 16, 2018 at 7:57 am EST

China, on Tuesday, in a statement from an official, defended its internment of over one million persons in the Xinjiang region. Further, an additional regional official claimed that China is preventing terrorism through ‘vocational education’ centers.

The World over, China has been criticized for its mass detainment of persons who have not committed a crime. The Communist nation has attempted to counter criticism by a series of op-eds and interviews.

Further, Beijing has also laid out a set of new regulations that retroactively codify the use of the system for extra-judicial “re-education” camps in Xinjiang.

China is detaining hundreds of thousands of people for “crimes” such as praying in public, holding church sessions outside of government-sponsored buildings, wearing beards and face veils.

The Communist nation initially attempted to hide the existence of the re-education centers, but the atheist country is now trying to paint the Mao-style internment camps into a good light after satellite imagery made it increasingly difficult to maintain their position.

China has detained in Xinjiang alone up to one million Muslims. Further, on October 8th, 2018 it was reported that 300,000 of which were transferred to other facilities throughout China.

The internment camps in Xinjiang, China are reportedly becoming full, as a result, six prisons have been built or remodeled in Qinghe County, Altay in order to detain people.

News of the massive transfer of Muslims came to light at the end of September. Xinjiang authorities have been transferring people detained in “deradicalization camps” and “vocation training centers” and minorities detained in unauthorized imam education camps to other places. The minorities involved in the transfer include Uyghurs from Kashi and Hetian and Kazakhs from Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.

“The sudden relocation of the massive number of unjustly detained members of Uyghur and other minorities from Xinjiang should alarm the whole world,” said Dr. Bob Fu, founder and president of ChinaAid. “This ethnic cleansing campaign should be stopped immediately. The international community should demand the Chinese regime to allow an independent, impartial investigative delegation to enter into Xinjiang and neighbor provinces with free access to documents on what’s happening and to avoid potential organ harvesting of many missing Uyghur Muslims.”


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