By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 1, 2015  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:25 pm EST

The increase in military activity shows that a threat is near. The US is past the stage of testing weapons, they are now ready for use, the question is when will they begin to use them on Americans.

A massive simulated dirty bomb attack exercise is set to take place at the end of June in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Operation Northern Exposure will include over 1,000 Michigan National Guard soldiers and will be the first time in history that local authorities have worked with the National Guard.

According to, the drill will use a city landfill as the site for the simulated dirty bomb attack and a middle school for the “decontamination center.”

“The public may notice more military vehicles in the area, as well as helicopters bringing crews to and from the sites, but the general public won’t be impacted. Local officials said traffic in the area won’t be affected.”

Hoping to quell any public fears, Kent County Emergency Management Director Lieutenant Jack Stewart told WoodTV that, “It’s all off the beaten path. There are no public highways involved other than transportation to the site and away from the site.”

“They are even taking utility workers and getting them involved in what they are calling a dirty bomb scenario, or a nuclear radiation type of scenario,” reported Dahboo777 in a recent YouTube report on the training.

This massive dirty bomb exercise is yet another military/local law enforcement drill announced in the lead up to Jade Helm.

In the last two months we have seen literally over a dozen military drills either take place or be announced. This is happening at the same time as a huge amount of seemingly random (but possibly connected) military movements are being documented throughout the country.

A breakdown of reporting going back the last two months conclusively proves this.

Source: Operation Northern Exposure: Over 1,000 troops to take part in Michigan dirty bomb exercise – Intellihub