What Does it Mean When A Corporation OWNS Your DNA? Companies Are Gunning For Ownership Rights of Your DNA

By Nate Brown  Published: May 24, 2017

So many people lately want to have their DNA tested, and for a good reason, many people want to know their biological history such as where their ancestors lived, or where their unknown uncle descended from.

Well, many services have sprung up over the past several months all of which are aiming to help people find out their hidden pasts, and while the people are getting answers, the corporations are taking claim of something each individual should guard with their life, their DNA. is one example of where people are actually handing over their DNA, literally. The family history website recently began a new DNA testing service for customers, called AncestryDNA. However, before using the utility, several people did not read the terms of service and or the privacy policy.

According to the website credited with actually reading the terms of service and privacy policy;

The family history website is selling a new DNA testing service called AncestryDNA. But the DNA and genetic data that collects may be used against “you or a genetic relative.” According to its privacy policies, takes ownership of your DNA forever. Your ownership of your DNA, on the other hand, is limited in years.

It seems obvious that customers agree to this arrangement, since all of them must “click here to agree” to these terms. But, how many people really read those contacts before clicking to agree? And how many relatives of customers are also reading?

There are three significant provisions in the AncestryDNA Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to consider on behalf of yourself and your genetic relatives: (1) the perpetual, royalty-free, world-wide license to use your DNA; (2) the warning that DNA information may be used against “you or a genetic relative”; (3) your waiver of legal rights. – (Think Progress)


  1. Wow….I’m wondering if this also applies to genetic testing for cancer as I’ve just had mine tested due to close family members having breast cancer, having been advised to test as insurance will be more inclined to preform preventive surgery. This is a question I didn’t ask! With it being for medical reasons verses just inquiring into family history.

    • They probably have every ones DNA anyway. Every time we have a blood test they get it. Who knows what they are doing with it….


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