New Age of Deception, Madness, and Acceptance is Here; Priest Granted Right to Wear Horns in ID Photo

By Nate Brown  Published: December 22, 2016

The New Age of acceptance, madness, and deception is upon the land of America, and has been getting worse by the day – in Millinocket, Maine a man who identifies as a Pagan was granted the right to wear horns for an id photo.

“As a practicing Pagan minister and a priest of Pan, I’ve come to feel very attached to the horns, and they’ve become a part of me and part of my spirituality,” Phelan Moonsong, 56, told the Washington Post. “The horns are part of my religious attire.”

As the era of deception takes off, more and more individuals who ‘identify’ as something else other than what gender they were born is expected to increase. Given the reality that parent’s are accepting their child’s sexual identity and preference at age three or four.

For example, in New York; a child of three years old, was upset because she was born a female but felt as though she was a male on the ‘inside,’ so her parents decided to accept her ideology.

(REUTERS) — Jodie Patterson’s 3-year-old, Penelope, was brooding and angry until one day she asked her child what was wrong.

Penelope, who was assigned female at birth, was upset “because everyone thinks I’m a girl,” but he said he was really a boy.

“I said, ‘However you feel inside is fine.'” Patterson recalled from their home in Brooklyn, New York. “And then Penelope looked at me and said, ‘No mama, I don’t feel like a boy. I am a boy.'”

Almost immediately, Patterson embraced the reality that Penelope was a transgender boy, and by age 5 he was going to school as a boy. Today, at age 9, Penelope is happy and healthy as a boy who loves karate and super heroes and decided to keep his birth name. – Read More

The age of anything goes is leading the world down a dark path, and it has brought us to the point where grown men can wear horns for government identification photos, and three-year-olds can decide their gender even though they were born different.

According to reports, Moonsong had been asked by the Bangor Bureau of Motor Vehicles to remove his horns for his photo, and were not persuaded when he stated that he wears the horns as a priest of Pan. According to Greek mythology, Pan was a “god of the wild” and is “depicted as being half human, while having the legs and horns of a goat.”

Moonsong says that he told officials that he viewed his horns as his “spiritual antenna,” and was consequently advised to provide documentation as to why his horns were a part of his religion. He obliged by composing a personal outline on the matter and providing other writings on the subject.

Bureau officials dispute the facts of the matter as they state that Moonsong had not stated upon his initial visit that the horns were part of his religious attire, and that they never received the submitted documents. – Read More

The madness continues…



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