His face says it all
By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: November 19, 2019  Updated: November 19, 2019 at 9:51 am EST
Content courtesy of Donna McComas

“Once a month at Black Sheep Burrito & Brews in Huntington West Virginia, the government sanctioned organization abominably dubbed  “Huntington Pride” hosts an event called “Drag Me to Brunch”. This is an “all ages” event where patrons in the audience can be seen handing money to the performers the same way that strippers and other adult entertainers are rewarded inside of a strip club. Kids can also be seen giving money to the performer after they witness several adults shoving money between the “breasts” of the drag performer. As you can see, one little boys discomfort with the situation is ignored by who is presumably his mother sitting right next to him while the other little boy is reluctant to hand the seductively dressed man money or even make eye contact with him. 

Please be advised that this video contains a hyper-sexualized man in women’s clothing who is engaging in adult themed dance and behavior with and in front of children. This video was posted originally on the public Facebook page of Black Sheep Burrito.


At prior “Drag Me To Brunch” events there were children who dressed up and actually participated in the performances with the drag queens who were dancing provocatively while the crowd cheered them all on. 

We must put a STOP to this! Why do we even have to say this? Children have no business participating in any kind of sexual entertainment for or with adults. We must refuse to accept the mindset that this as anything other than what it is- Child Abuse.

Are we that blind? 

Last year, a drag queen admitted the goal behind such events is to “groom the next generation.” They are grooming our children into a homosexual lifestyle and it is happening right before our very eyes.

We need new legislation that would ban minors from attending or participating in drag shows and other sexually-suggestive or explicit performances. WV lawmakers, we need to amend the obscenity laws §61-8A-3(b)

We should protest the “Hell” out of any private or public establishment that holds a drag queen event with children! I will not get used to these perversions. I will not sit back idly while our children are being indoctrinated and abused. I’m outraged! You need to get outraged and STAY outraged until we put an end to this twisted and perverse agenda. 

Call today and demand them to put a stop to the sexualization of children! WE NEED TO SEND A MESSAGE NOW, letting them know, regardless whether it’s a tax-payer funded facility or not, it’s still the sexualization of children in our community and we will not tolerate it anymore!”
-Donna McComas

 The next show is November 30th, 2019 at 11:00am-3:00pm

Black Sheep Burrito & Brews



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