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Region: Published: November 5, 2017  Updated: January 26, 2018 at 9:23 am EST

George Soros’ former fund manager ran a human trafficking enterprise, alleges a new lawsuit by three women. In addition, a former Brooklyn prosecutor aided the portfolio manager by drafting up non-disclosure agreements.

The lawsuit claims that Soros’ former fund manager, Howie Rubin, repeatedly raped and beat the women involved. Accounts taken from the suit allege that Rubin stated to one of the three women involved: “I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter,” and that he allegedly tied up and viciously abused the women — even punching one in the head, the suit was filed by civil lawyer John Balestriere.

George Soros’ former portfolio manager, with the help of an assistant district attorney Yifat Schnur, created non-disclosure agreements with the three model’s involved in the lawsuit. The three women involved were Hillary Lawson, Kristina Hallman, and Stephanie Caldwell, two of which are former playmates who were contacted on Instagram and paid $5,000 for the grotesque endeavor.

Once in Manhattan, New York, one victim said that he drugged her prior to violently abusing her according to the lawsuit. Howie then proceeded to instruct his associates to give them money to cover medical expenses caused by the injuries he inflicted on them, they said.

Howie Rubin was employed by Soros from 2008 to 2015 and received an MBA in 1982 from Harvard.

According to Fox News;

John Balestriere, the lawyer who filed the suit, said Rubin gagged, tied up and abused women in the penthouse. Balestriere alleged Rubin punched one woman in the head.

In another encounter, Rubin is accused of beating a woman’s “breasts so badly that her right implant flipped,” the lawsuit stated. The suit alleges the woman was paid $20,000 by Rubin to repair the damage.

The atrocities incurred at the hands of a Soros henchman were reported in the 63-page lawsuit filed in Brooklyn, New York, on Thursday. Soros is a well-known “philanthropist,” former Nazi, and a multibillionaire who has been repeatedly accused of utilizing his organization, Open Society Foundation, to influence governments and incite violence across the world.

A newly leaked document obtained by DCLeaks from Soros’ foundation purportedly shows just how far the Soros enterprise reaches. The Open Society Foundation has deep connections to 226 MEPs including former President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, seven vice-presidents, a number of committee heads, coordinators, and quaestors.

Both Hungary and Israel have also detailed their resistance to the influence of the Open Society Foundation’s agenda. The US financier was recently accused of pocketing several EU parliament members as part of an immigration plot to alter the demographics of Europe.

According to

“For the Hungarian government, claims about Soros’ influence on EU migration policy which once sounded “like a conspiracy theory” should be seen in a new light with the emergence of the Open Society documents, which “list key players in European institutions that can be counted on as trustworthy allies of the financial speculator’s goals”.

“[T]he musket is not only primed but loaded,” noted Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on October 27th, after the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) proposed changes to EU asylum rules which would make the migrant quota scheme a permanent feature of the bloc.

“In Europe in the future, a permanent and mandatory migrant relocation quota mechanism will be established, with no upper limit on numbers.”

Soros has also repeatedly endorsed Communist China, and has gone on to state that China will replace the United States on the World Stage, in addition, Soros has allegedly engaged in activities to further silence Christians across America.

The billionaire “philanthropist’s” deep connection to hundreds of parliament members in the EU and several politicians in the US is alarming especially given the fact that his former fund manager was allegedly in charge of a wide-ranging human trafficking scheme.