Matthew Chapter 4 KJV


  1. sorry the lord is not helping more finance for you keep up the name of the
    lord and i hope the new site helps

  2. All these braindead religious fools have to go immediately!!! Unsub the lot
    of em! The biggest pile of shite on this planet!!!

  3. I really needed to hear this right now due to circumstances surrounding my
    life. Thank you so much and God bless you.

  4. Amen-and I pray that the Lord heal you and make you whole-For what ye shall
    believe-ye shall receive in Christ Jesus! and it will be so! Amen!

  5. hey freedomfighter2127, and everyone else, I don’t normally post alot on
    videos, but for one I would like to say thank you for keeping the videos
    and info that you post daily. god bless you brother. And for two, I’m
    currently in the army national guard and a friend of mine in my squad is a
    hardcore athiest, and we go rounds with religion but anyways he’s a great
    guy and would go out of his way for anyone, long story short, I’m asking
    for anyone to please keep a prayer out for him. I want him to come to know
    Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.
    thank you and God bless everyone.

  6. His Word is sweet to my ears .comforts my spirit. confirms my future.
    Redeems my past. Bless is your name Jesus.the only Way to Our God.

    • I cant believe how long this apparently has been going on!!! i just heard
      about what was being said when my mom called me crying sept 20 begging me
      to turn back to god before its to late. My life was dedicated
      to the lord to be a preacher when i was 5 and believe me it was intense!!!
      ive read the bible 3 times. and no one making videos is even close to
      accurately portraying the bible… its hilarious!!! If only i had know
      about all this earlier i could have warned everyone that they are beyond
      wrong and pythetic. p.s. taking the lords name in vain isnt swearing or
      cursing God even… …its taking the bible to spread lies or
      fear or judgement in his name…

    • yes she is a date setter… I listened to 1 or 2 her videos, she sais
      rapture would take place gave dates said if it didn’t she would stop making
      videos… I knew was wrong when heard date.. never listened to her again.
      .. she came back….lol….

  7. God Bless and Thank You for all you do and especially these reading of our
    Lord God’s word!!!


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