For the first Word for Today, we are discussing a brief overview of the difference between the King James Version and the 1599 Geneva Bible and comparing 1 Corinthians 13 in each translation. For this series of Word for Today we will be getting the verses from the Geneva translation. We hope you will join us to read a brief scripture and prayer from here on out. God bless you!


  1. This has been on my heart lately, thank you for this. I honestly wouldn’t
    mind seeing more differences pointed out.

  2. wow thanks Emma. i have never heard this before and now very intrigued. I
    cant wait to hear more verses compared to KJV bible. Also I noticed your
    last picture there of the cross it has Every knee SHOULD bow and every
    tongue SHOULD confess rather then every knee SHALL bow! That is quite
    different meaning as well

  3. Thank you. Ive found out so much about the Catholic regime this past year i
    just praise God for discernment and others that also are seeing it. God
    bless!! In Jesus name.

  4. KJV was completed in 1611 while the Geneva Bible was 1599. A numerologist
    would find 666 in both these dates. Are either of the Bibles genuine

  5. Thank you, Emma Noelle. Interesting how the NKJV goes BACK to the word
    “love” in 1 Cor. 13 – so I guess that’s good, but still, we always want to
    get as close as we possibly can to what the Lord desired to impart through
    His Prophets and Apostles. This is a good exposure and important to know.
    I’m going to purchase a Geneva Bible!! God Bless you.

  6. Excellent Thank you so much and God bless you both. I will be joining you
    everytime Pam James.Also read whats in the basement of the vatican.

  7. What about a short summary at the beginning of your videos?
    After that you could go into the details.

    God bless ^^


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