By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 20, 2015  Updated: June 20, 2015 at 2:01 am EST

How many reasons can one come up with for this move by Texas? (tell us what you think in the comments) First and foremost Texas is under assault the feds believe that Texas is a hostile state. Probably because there are too many guns, which would be wise to assume that Texas would or could be the first state under Martial Law. However, Texas just made a huge statement to the feds, and everyone should be paying close attention to it.

Texas Just asked Manhattan to give the lone star state their gold back. This can be for many reasons but few stand out as the most clear. Texas is preparing to be invaded, the national guard have been called up to watch the insurgent special forces, and now Texas just took their gold back. Seems as though this is a move in preparation for either war or an economic collapse.

TEXAS Just Made A HUGE Statement To The FEDS

Texas wants its gold back from the Yankees, wherever they’re keeping it.

Governor Greg Abbott signed a law last week to build a depository for its 5,600 bars of the precious metal and, as he said in a statement, “repatriate $1 billion of gold bullion from the Federal Reserve in New York.”

The gold, it turns out, isn’t at the New York Fed — it’s in a rented vault in midtown Manhattan — and is worth about $650 million. Regardless, Texas aims to bring it home.

“We want to show off our strength and resilience,” said Giovanni Capriglione, the Republican lawmaker who sponsored the repatriation bill. “This is to be able to say, ‘Hey, listen, Texas is unique, it’s stable, it’s strong and we can show that by letting other states and individuals know that, yes, Texas has a billion dollars worth of gold. Does your state have a billion dollars worth of gold?’”

Informed that the value is about $350 million short of that, Capriglione said he was no less proud.

The gold in question isn’t the property of the state itself but of the University of Texas Investment Management Co., which oversees the second-largest academic endowment in the country.

That isn’t likely to diminish what Philip Diehl, a former director of the U.S. Mint, called “a wonderful marketing opportunity” for the state, where the electorate leans right.

For the governor and lawmakers, repatriation “makes a lot of political sense,” said Diehl, president of U.S. Money Reserve, an Austin company that sells gold. “It’s a very reasonable response to their constituents.”

Texas Trove

Bruce Zimmerman, chief executive officer of the endowment fund, said it would be pleased to have a Texas safe for its ingots so long as the state doesn’t charge more than what the fund’s paying to lease the New York vault space, which is less than $1 million a year.

Source: There’s a Pile of Gold in Manhattan. Texas Wants It Back. – Bloomberg Business