By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: August 16, 2017  Updated: August 5, 2018 at 8:27 am EST

Over the last several years Christians across the world have faced persecution, oppression, and now according to the United States government genocide.

The State Department released its annual official International Religious Freedom Report for 2016, in which, Christian genocide is formally recognized. However, the media, at large, has remained silent on the fact that Islamic terrorists are causing genocide against Christians in the Middle East.

ISIS has and continues to target members of multiple religions and ethnicities for rape, kidnapping, enslavement, and death. ISIS is clearly responsible for genocide against Yezidis, Christians, and Shia Muslims in areas it controlled. ISIS is also responsible for crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing directed at these same groups, and in some cases against Sunni Muslims, Kurds, and other minorities. The protection of these groups – and others who are targets of violent extremism – remains a human rights priority for the Trump Administration.

Almost 20 years ago the government enacted the International Religious Freedom Act, which places religious freedom as a central element of America’s foreign policy. However, the previous administration failed to recognize that Christians in the Middle East are facing genocide, in fact, little was even mentioned about Christians facing persecution at all.

President Donald Trump stated the following in regards to religious freedom; From the beginning, America has been a place that has cherished the freedom of worship. Sadly, many around the globe do not enjoy this freedom… [W]e pray for the strength and wisdom to achieve a better tomorrow – one where good people of all faiths, Christians and Muslims and Jewish and Hindu, can follow their hearts and worship according to their conscience.”

The full report, can be seen here, serves as an official recognition to the Christian Reality for many across the world. In addition, Rex Tillerson stated the following about religious freedom across the world;

Almost 80 percent of the global population live with restrictions on or hostilities to limit their freedom of religion. Where religious freedom is not protected, we know that instability, human rights abuses, and violent extremism have a greater opportunity to take root.

We cannot ignore these conditions. The Trump administration has committed to addressing these conditions in part by advancing international religious freedom around the world. The State Department will continue to advocate on behalf of those seeking to live their lives according to their faith.