By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 23, 2018  Updated: July 23, 2018 at 7:03 am EST

The University of Minnesota is potentially going to punish students and teachers for improper use of gender pronouns. The policy is still under consideration and includes a punishment up to expulsion or firing.

The outlandish policy is titled; “Equity and Access: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Names and Pronouns”—members of the academic institution “are expected to use the names, gender identities, and pronouns specified to them by University members.”

Also, the policy not only outlines punishments for improper use of gender pronouns; but also includes verbiage that would allow students to use school facilities such as dormitories and restrooms that they see fit, rather than what aligns with their biological identity.

“Individuals may access gender-specific facilities that correspond with their gender identities and may participate in University activities and programs consistent with their gender identities including, but not limited to, housing, restrooms, locker rooms, recreation services and activities, and camp programs,” the proposal reads.

“Individuals will not be required to use gender-specific facilities that are inconsistent with their gender identities or to use gender-inclusive options because their sex assigned at birth or sex listed on legal documents differs from their gender identity or gender expression,” the draft continues.

The University’s reasoning behind the drafted policy is to support “transgender and gender nonconforming” individuals on campus and to “maintain an environment for University members that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on gender identity and gender expression.”

The policy also outlines all punishments which can occur should a “transgender and gender nonconforming” individual feel as though they are being discriminated against.

“Discrimination or harassment based on gender identity or gender expression may result in appropriate responsive action, including but not limited to disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment and academic sanctions up to and including academic expulsion,” the draft reads.

The outlandish policy outlines that a “transgender and gender nonconforming” individual can room with someone of the opposite biological gender which will create an environment that is the exact opposite of what the aim is.

Furthermore, as per the policy, should the individual who is forced to room with “transgender and gender nonconforming” individual feel uncomfortable and desire to change rooms, it would be treated as discrimination.


  1. So future dating sites will be posting messages such as ‘person with fully operational penis seeks relationship with person with breasts and vagina with ability to produce children’ .

  2. No one can or will force me to use words from their fake dictionary. Anything other than a heterosexual relationship is sexual deviant behavior. There are only 2 genders.

    • True, There are only two genders, but homosexuals have existed throughout history and in some societies, they have been revered, as in the North American Indian culture, Deviant or natural, I’m not sure. My guess, it just is and maybe we should just accept it as that.

      • James thanks for your thought on this matter, i would like to add that when you refuse to accept your gender (the way God made you) you actually are rebelling against God your creator, and that is really a scary thing as i believe one day we will all stand before a judge and answer for all we have done, i am no Saint and sin like every one on this planet but Jesus made the claim that he will be my advocate before the Father and to me that is the only hope we all have as we pass on in this life to a certain judgement.

    • … congratulation, it is so nice to see that there is still someone who stands up for morality and ethics. If only some of the academic in the University were as smart as you are, the America will not be in such a pit of dirt as she is now.

      • Good morning Im at the point now where i dont care if i offend others with my moral views as the LGBTQ (and whatever is after that) is a vocal blight on society so its time for all to speak up and add some balance to this equasion

  3. Word up students: these “colleges” are not preparing you for real life. All through your life you will be meeting people (like me) who dont give a f..k if your offended or not.

  4. What a bunch of morons…. superficial and specious intellectuals, poseurs, educational frauds, con artists, purveyors of darkness and confusion….

  5. Our daughter just graduated from high school. Thanks to ridiculous stuff like this, she will not be attending university in the US.

    • I’m sure there are some good universities in the US who don’t subscribe to this foolery, but it won’t be long before all universities in the US are forced to comply.

  6. I think it was Rose in the Golden Girls whose character graduated from the University of Minnesota. When Dorothy asked her if it was true that she studied Latin in university, Rose replied, “Ellway, essyay Orothyday.” Apparently Rose’s reply wasn’t meant as humor, it was a fact.

  7. This is a easy thing to fix, STOP going to this University, money talks and bullshit walks, and that would changes over night as teachers would be layed off as well as the executive. Its time to stop the madness of this crap and youn can only do it with the pocket book.

  8. May the legal backlash against this college’s insane and illegal policies be swift and sure.

  9. They say there is a civil war coming…
    One side has 8 trillion bullets,
    the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use.

  10. What happened to loving one another because we are all God’s children? Or the golden rule: treat others as you want to be treated. I don’t understand why you feel the need to restrict someone from being who they are.

  11. A good haven for the brainwashed and brain dead Liberal Snowflakes. Anyone with a brain, both teachers and students, should exit as quickly as possible as not waste any money attending this Liberal shithole.

  12. So… If my daughter is UNCOMFORTABLE having to ROOM with a SICK GUY who THINKS HE is a “woman”, the SHE is “DISCRIMINATING”??

  13. If one Trans roommate feels uncomfortable with their other Trans roomie, is that discrimination too?

  14. You cannot mandate human speech you friggin morons. Also go to YouTube and look up Jordan Peterson who is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and look up his position on mandated correct speech. Whether it is the state of any organization who uses punitive measures to manipulate behavior is doing so illegally.

    My positions is, find the morons who proposed this idiocy, tar and feather them and then run them out of town upon the threat of death if they ever come back. If we don’t start fighting back we will lose the very foundations to our Democracy allowing it to turn into some kind of socialist progressive dumb down racist third world nation.

    If we must, we’ll “fight fire with fire”, and if you college educated morons don’t know what that is, then I suggest you look it up if you’re capable. Professors who ply this idiocy are what I refer to as; “Sh*t for brains”.

    • Yes, Jordan Peterson, at least on this issue makes marvelous sense. Much the same insanity is occurring here in Canada as well.

  15. This is the most ridiculous disgusting proposal! Why should normal people be punished because they do not identify with the sexually challenged people suffering from identity crisis. It is a disgrace that a women has to share a dorm or bathroom with an already disturbed male or vice versa. Shame on the officials that would even think this is appropriate!

  16. The real value of a college education goes down down, and further down. Time to shut these liberal bastions of mental disorders down. No tax dollars to these places.

  17. This is the stupidist thing I have ever heard. You have become morally corrupt and have left the door open to Insanity and lawlessness.

    • That’s exacly the point – it’s a social engineering agenda of the psycopathic zionist criminal cartel that rules over us.

  18. If today is April Fool’s Day then this sounds about right??? OH my it’s July 23rd. This is INSANITY. When will this crap end???? Today’s college’s are a breeding ground for P.C. and nothing more Period…….

  19. This is the insanity that political correctness has spawned. Today is brought to you by Satan! We are no longer a Christian country. Dear Lord, have mercy on us and our families!

    • We are not, and should not be a Christian country. You can be a Christian, but don’t force it on the rest of us. God bless you, but I support the UMN policy. Trans and queer people have suffered long enough, it’s time to bring them into the mainstream with basic respect as the guiding principle.


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