By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: December 22, 2017  Updated: April 29, 2018 at 8:36 am EST

Approximately 3.5 million Americans operate cash registers across the nation, and the nations largest retailer, Walmart, is gearing up to remove cashiers entirely from their stores.

Last year Amazon announced a new kind of store, one in which, there are no cashiers, no clerks, no lines, and virtually no employees. Instead, technology would operate the store. Now, Walmart, in competition with Amazon, is attempting something similar.

Previously Walmart created a new subsidiary after purchasing called Code Eight. The primary objective of the new subsidiary is to recreate the shopping experience. One angle of the goal is to target busy city moms with the intention of sending them product recommendations and allowing them to make purchases through text messaging. The second angle of their goal, dubbed Project Kepler, is to recreate the in-store shopping experience by replacing employees with computer vision.

According to Recode, “Code Eight plans to eventually charge a membership fee, but current testers are using it for free. The personal-shopping service is currently focused on items in “health & beauty, household essentials, and apparel/accessories” categories, according to a job listing. It’s not clear if the startup is sourcing this inventory from Walmart and its subsidiaries, or from outside retailers.”

Similar to Amazon Go, Walmart is planning to replace cashiers, clerks, checkouts, and more with technology. Project Kepler, over time, could lead to hundreds of thousands of jobs being replaced by technology.

As with Amazon Go, Walmart is planning to utilize computer vision, sensors, cameras, barcodes, and so on to create such an ‘experience,’ however, this leads directly towards a system similar to that mentioned in Revelation 13:16-17.

16 And he made all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.

At first Amazon and Walmart will utilize mobile applications to recreate the shopping experience, however, that is just the start of it. A Wisconsin based company called 32M was the first company to implement microchip readers into break room markets, starting the ‘next phase’ of implementation.

According to Three Square Market Chief Executive Officer Todd Westby, the company has technology that allows people to purchase snack items from vending machines straight from their cell phones already, but now Westby wants to expand that to implantable microchips. Starting on August 1st, 2017 over fifty employees of the Wisconsin based company are opting in to have the microchip implanted under their skin.

“We’ll come up, scan the item,” he explained while showing how the process will work at an actual break room market kiosk. “We’ll hit pay with a credit card, and it’s asking to swipe my proximity payment now. I’ll hold my hand up, just like my cell phone, and it’ll pay for my product.”

Technology will replace droves of jobs over the course of the next few decades, however, in addition, the technology could also foment an age-old agenda known in the Bible as the Mark of the Beast.


  1. Folks we need to remind these scientific elites that, we don’t have to shop in their stores. For the sake of the people who aren’t even remotely aware of beast technology, we need to be the leaders who start growing our own food again and start again down the path of self sovereignty. And wherever possible we need to take advantage of emerging technologies that are for the people not for corporations. I suggest everyone to take advantage of cryptocurrencies … there are good people out there trying to out maneuver the powers of evil to buy us all some time so more people may come to the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) and be saved. Check out Coinbase to buy Bitcoin and Litecoin and for setting up passive streams of income, check out cloud mining Bitcoin in remote servers in Iceland via a company called Hashflare. Fellow Christians, you owe it to yourselves to see what evolving past controlled monopolies like the dollar is all about. We are decentralizing their power and giving it back to the people so that they may prosper. “Father I’m glad I know the plans you have for me, plans of good and not of evil; plans of prosperity and not of calamity, to give us a future and hope.” Sincerely, Amen!

  2. Sad world we live in. The days of the mom and pop stores are long gone. You cant even make a phone call without the greeting of a answering machine telling you what button too hit ,nevermind talking too a human on the other end.. The last days are fast approaching humanity. Most arent awake too what is really going on in todays society… GOD BLESS US ALL..

  3. As an unemployed person I wonder where all this is going. What will happen to the numerous persons who are forced into unemployment, many with families to support, to be replaced by new technology.

    • Employees? Jobs? I read “Third Wave” & Jeremy Rifkins “The End of Work” over 10-15 years ago. Next: Hi-Tech Robotics are poised to replace low wage fast food workers, maintenance staff, some hotel-healthcare-nursing home industry jobs. The world’s largest international air port already has a multi-level, underground totally automated baggage handing operation system. No human hands touch traveler baggage…unless a bag jams up the system. Who cares if WalMart introduces hi-tech robotic labor. We only care that products are cheap.

      WalMart is creating a new and much improved “worker” class. Robitrons…the perfect solution to eliminate the liabilities of overpaid minimum wage employees.

      Can’t wait to see a store full of “Wallee Robots” in action.


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