By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: March 7, 2019  Updated: March 7, 2019 at 12:44 am EST

I have often observed how church denominations which become liberal inevitably change their views on abortion, homosexuality, and Israel. And the more liberal they become, the more militant their pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, and anti-Israel stances become. Will this be the fate of the Democratic Party? Itā€™s already more than two-thirds there.

On Tuesday, we posted a meme on Facebook with a picture of Linda Sarsour and this text: ā€œRadical feminist and anti-Semite Linda Sarsour claims Nancy Pelosi ā€˜is a typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white menā€™ because of her support for Israel. The left is devouring itself.ā€

In response, Renee commented, ā€œMark my words, the Democrat party will, like the Labour UK party, turn into a full fledge Antisemitic and Anti Israel party. Its metamorphosis is happening Now by being complacent in addressing the antisemitic cancer within the party!ā€

Could she be right?

According to a May 6, 2019 headline on, ā€œAmericans, but Not Liberal Democrats, Mostly Pro-Israel.ā€

According to the article, based on results from a survey conducted in February, ā€œThe percentage of Republicans saying they sympathize more with Israel in the conflict [with the Palestinians] fell from an all-time high of 87% in 2018 to 76% today.Ā Last year’s readingĀ was taken as the Donald Trump administration was preparing to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a change that highlighted Trump’s strong support of Israel.

ā€œThe percentage of Democrats siding more with Israel fell less sharply, from 49% to 43%; however, today’s figure approaches the lowest level of Democratic partiality toward Israel since 2005.ā€

Is it a coincidence that the Republicans are more strongly pro-life and pro-family, as well as pro-Israel, than the Democrats? Are these three issues somehow related? And does the DemocraticĀ shift towards the radical left signal the end of (or, at least, the great diminishing of) their support for Israel?

To quote the Gallup article again, ā€œconservative Republicans have long been the most partial to Israel in the conflict, given their consistently high net-sympathy ratings. Moderate/liberal Republicans have the second-highest net-sympathy for Israel, followed by moderate/conservative Democrats, while liberal Democrats have the lowest net sympathy for Israel.ā€

Do you see the trend?

Itā€™s not simply that the Democrats are now the party of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Itā€™s that many Democrats side with them when it comes to the debate about Israel.

Thatā€™s why the attempted, direct rebuke of Oman for her recent anti-Semitic comments reportedly turned into ā€œacrimoniousā€ arguing, leading the Washington Postto announce, ā€œHouse Democrats splinter over response to Rep. Omarā€™s alleged anti-Semitism.ā€

In response to this attempted unified rebuke, Sarsour led a protest rally in which Israel was flatly denounced.

As reportedon Breitbart, ā€œRabbi Alissa Wise, deputy director of Jewish Voice for Peace, said the activists would ā€˜stop the desecration of Godā€™s nameā€™ by ā€˜standing together in praise of Rep. Omar for her courage, her honesty, her truth-telling, her bravery to stand up against those that insist Palestinians are not deserving of human rights.ā€™ā€ (Yes, there are liberal Jews, almost certainly Democrats, who are very harsh critics of Israel.)

According to Wise, we must critique the ā€œIsraeli government as it practices Apartheid.ā€ Yes, apartheid. Shades of President Jimmy Carterā€™s 2006 book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid! (And in case you forgot, Carter was a Democrat too.)

Did I say there was a pattern?

Now, you might simply say that the left is being consistent, be it spiritually or politically. Those on the left are compassionate, standing for the rights of women to control their own bodies and standing with the rights of the discriminated, marginalized, and outcast, which would include gays and Palestinians.

Naturally, I have a different perspective on this in terms of true compassion and justice. But either way, the point remains the same. As the Democrats move farther left, they will become increasingly hostile to Israel. And as they become increasingly hostile to Israel, they will buy into larger, anti-Semitic tropes.

Fox News reportedthat, ā€œHouse SpeakerĀ Nancy PelosiĀ was ā€˜taken abackā€™ this week by the growing dissent and anger among rank-and-file Democrats over a possibleĀ resolution toĀ formally condemn anti-Semitism, a Democratic source told Fox News on Wednesday — highlighting Pelosi’s tenuous grip on control over the House and underscoring the growing power of the party’s nascent far-left progressive wing.ā€

But this is not just a matter of Pelosi being surprised at her lack of control over her own party. I believe it is a matter of Pelosi being surprised that so many were willing to defend Omarā€™s anti-Semitism ā€“ or at the least, were loath to condemn it.

I truly hope Iā€™m wrong and that the rising tide of anti-Semitism in America (and, specifically, in the Democratic Party) will be turned back.

But in light of other disturbing trends abroad (see, for example, this utterly shocking newsfrom Belgium along with this concerning reportfrom Iceland), we should take nothing for granted.

Nothing is written in stone that America will remain a true friend of Israel. Even less it is written in stone that the Democrats will.