Published: March 14, 2018  Updated: March 15, 2018 at 7:42 am EST

Xi Jinping’s China enforces insane Christian persecution as authorities remove crosses from church

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The most recent documented act of Christian persecution in China occurred on the 9th of March when Chinese authorities forced their way into Shangqiu Catholic Church South Cathedral in Henan Province to turn off the electricity and forcibly close priests and nuns in the building while they used a crane to remove crosses.

Authorities confiscated the priests and nuns cell phones, cut off the power and secured the doors to ensure no one could enter or leave the site. Church officials received no warning or official documentation regarding this, so they contacted the police, who then came and took them into custody.

The removal of the crosses lasted almost 5 hours. The Chinese website Catholics Online says that the authorities original intention was to forcibly occupy the church, but when they were unable to do so they instead removed the crosses from the exterior of the building.

Father Francis Liu was able to capture footage and share his video of a crane moving a large cross from the roof to the ground to Twitter. The crosses have since been replaced with smaller crosses.

Demolishing churches and crosses, detaining thought criminals, instilling socialist principles into religious doctrine, raiding homes of church leaders, forcing Christians to replace Jesus with their president, and barring party officials from practicing any religion… these are only some of the many forms of documented persecution Christians in China face.

Since his time in office began, Xi Jinping has already been added to the constitution of China by more than 2,300 delegates who voted to enshrine “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” into the party’s constitution.

And now, Xi has altered the Constitution of China to extend his presidential term indefinitely. Other alterations to the document clamped down on the allowance of religious activity. These changes have caused citizens to compare Xi Jinping to the murderous traitor Mao Zedong, the leader that brought his dictatorial form of communism to China.

Related: ‘The Enlightened Ones’ Plan to Rule Humanity Through A Technocracy.

Blood Letters: The Untold Story of Lin Zhao, a Martyr in Mao’s China

Just this month, the staggering story of Lin Zhao, “the most important Chinese political dissident of the Mao era, a devout Christian who was imprisoned, tortured, and executed by the regime” was released by author Lian Xi in “Blood Letters: The Untold Story of Lin Zhao, a Martyr in Mao’s China.”

Blood Letters tells of Lin Zhao, a poet, and journalist who originally worked for the CCP, but discovered the evil of the regime during the cultural revolution as she witnessed dozens of her close friends being disappeared by authorities.

She was arrested in 1960 and executed eight years later, at the height of the Cultural Revolution. While imprisoned, the young poet lacked any writing utensils. Lin Zhao would prick herself with sharpened bamboo and collect her blood in a plastic spoon. She’d then dip her “pen,” often a thin bamboo strip or a straw stem, into the blood, writing on paper when possible, or else on her clothing or sheets.

Lin Zhao was “the only Chinese citizen known to have openly and steadfastly opposed communism under Mao, she rooted her dissent in her Christian faith.” The prison guards feared they would lose evidence against her if they destroyed her writings, they were all preserved, and now published for the world to see.

“Drawing on these works and others from the years before her arrest, as well as interviews with her friends, her classmates, and other former political prisoners, Lian Xi paints an indelible portrait of courage and faith in the face of unrelenting evil.”

“In this account of a remarkable life, we see how Christian faith can provide the courage to resist totalitarianism, preserve our moral autonomy, and sustain us in necessary political dissent.” writes Amy Peterson author and professor at Taylor University.

Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Works Cited

Gina Goh. “Henan Removes Crosses from Shangqiu Catholic Church.” International Christian Concern. . (2018): . .

Jardine Malado. “Chinese officials arrest priests during raid on historical church.” The Christian Times. . (2018): . .

Amy Peterson. “How Christian Faith Led a Single Woman to Defy Chairman Mao .” Christianity Today. . (2018): . .

Lian Xi. “Blood Letters: The Untold Story of Lin Zhao, a Martyr in Mao's China.” Amazon. . (2018): . .