By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: February 16, 2016  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:11 pm EST

The United States government is now actively arresting individuals who have student debts. The US Marshals are the weapons of the Private Sector in charge of collecting the debt. In other words, debt collectors are now officially arresting those who cannot afford to pay off their student loans.

HOUSTON (FOX 26) – Believe it or not, the US Marshals Service in Houston is arresting people for not paying their outstanding federal student loans. Paul Aker says he was arrested at his home last week for a $1500 federal student loan he received in 1987.

He says seven deputy US Marshals showed up at his home with guns and took him to federal court where he had to sign a payment plan for the 29-year-old school loan.

Congressman Gene Green says the federal government is now using private debt collectors to go after those who owe student loans.

Green says as a result, those attorneys and debt collectors are getting judgements in federal court and asking judges to use the US Marshals Service to arrest those who have failed to pay their federal student loans.

Our reliable source with the US Marshal in Houston say Aker isn’t the first and won’t be the last.

They have to serve anywhere from 1200 to 1500 warrants to people who have failed to pay their federal student loans.


Works Cited

cbs. “In modern-day debtors' prisons, courts team with private sector.” cbs. . (2016): . .

Drew Zahn. “Privatized police force taking over town?” WND. . (2016): . .

FEMA. “PRIVATE SECTOR.” FEMA. . (2016): . .

James B. Comey. “FBI SPEECH.” FBI. . (2016): . .

CNN. “FBI spy chief asks private sector for help.” CNN. . (2016): . .

GOV TECH. “Government vs. Private-Sector Procurement: An Unfair Comparison.” GOV TECH. . (2016): . .



  1. I think they should off picked him up years ago. To not pay a loan, a promise to pay, is to steal from you fellow Americans. Theft is a crime and it is sad people are not responsible when it comes to paying off their loans. Well done marshals. Pick them all up if their loans are not actively being paid. Do you realize this man only needed to pay about $4.50 per MONTH and the debt would be paid in full today. I am sorry but he should be in jail.

    • So what about poor people hmm what about the people that can’t afford to even feed them selves people like you are heartless lucky bastards who grew up with a silver spoon in you’re mouth what a sad person you are

  2. It’s time for the people to call in their.Military Forces to arrest the criminal corporate federal gov’t and any and all state gov’t employees that allow these criminals to arrest a single person! I read about the criminal governor of Oregon conspiring with soetoro and the U.S. GOV’T INC!

  3. Do you think they’ll (eventually) start coming after those of us with ordinary debts, such as for merchandise/products? I own $600.00 for a guitar i bought recently.


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