By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: August 7, 2018  Updated: August 7, 2018 at 7:41 am EST

The world over, to murder a child, is generally viewed in a negative light. However, in Belgium, legislative authorities amended its law on euthanasia to include the authorization for doctors to terminate the life of a child.

After the amendment, initially, and for the first year, no child came forth to be legally euthanized, however, from January 1st, 2016 to December 31st, 2017 Belgian doctors euthanized three children under eighteen.

To make matters worse, the children can decide if they would like to end their own life. Belgian authorities have made the argument that very young children possess the same decisional capacity as some adults.

Out of the three children that were legally murdered, one was a seventeen-year-old. Furthermore, Belgium is not the only country in the world where children over twelve can decide to end their lives; in fact, the Netherlands also permits euthanasia for children over twelve.

However, the other two children that decided to act upon being euthanized were nine and eleven years old. These two children are the first under-twelve cases anywhere in the world.

Everywhere where Euthanasia is legal, the law reflects the same age as consent. In other words, in the majority of places where euthanasia is allowed, children are at least making the decisions when they are eighteen and older.

However, in Belgium, to grant the decisional capacity to that of a child who is so young is absurd. The child can’t vote, can’t consent to sex, but he or she can choose to kill him/herself?

Belgian authorities regarding the matter, trust experts to prevent mistakes or abuses. Doctors must verify that a child is “in a hopeless medical situation of constant and unbearable suffering that cannot be eased and which will cause death in the short term.”

After a child makes his or her wish for euthanasia known, in writing, child psychiatrists conduct examinations, including, intelligence tests, to determine that the youngster is capable and “not influenced by a third party.” Parents can, however, prevent the request from being carried out.

Of the two children that chose to end their lives, the eleven-year-old had cystic fibrosis. The disease is, in fact, fatal and incurable, however, because of the advances in medicine, the average individual with CF can live to be forty-three years-old or beyond. Furthermore, because of the advances in medicine, often, those with CF can have a high quality of life.

Regardless of the circumstances that surround euthanasia for children, and the ability of adults to knowingly choose to end their lives, the legality of such is in and of itself a danger.

The field of legal euthanasia is just starting for adults and for such to be also available to children places law in the hands of insanity.


  1. You don’t need government permission to kill yourself, you just do it.

    You need government permission if you want to kill someone else and claim that they wanted it after you finished telling them how useless their lives are, the financial cost and how better off they are dead and if that fails get their family to hold them down while they inject fluid into them which was the case of one woman with dementia who struggled to live.

    Hitler would be proud of you morons!

  2. I remember during a medical class years ago, that the instructor said from his experience – “If you save a person with a high-cervical injury, they may not thank you later”.

  3. Just wait until the patents of these vaccine damaged children get old n unable to care for them. We will see euthensia on a massive scale. Terry shrivo was just the beginning of murdering those who are a burden or inconvenient

  4. THE MOST VALUEABLE THING ON EARTH TO OUR FATHER ,are the children,yet the nations of earth see nothing wrong with killing them,I THOUGHT THE FATHER was kidding me when he said, HE’S GOING TO WIPE THE PLANET CLEAN,and then start again,get close to our LORD,your ALL going to be standing in front of him shortly,and YOU better pray he knows you..

  5. Rumplestiltskin, it says read more. Who would want to here from the likes of you ?
    If I want to hear satan’s message, I’ll turn on msm.
    They are silencing truth, the final attack comes soon.
    Praise Jesus as I know he does not want us to turn the cheek. I won’t

  6. Thank you very much health care, er I mean DEATH CARE professionals.
    What would we do without you?

  7. Gee, maybe you Christians think living with cystic fibrosis for a few extra years is righteous. I DON’T !

    You must also understand that not everyone feels as you do about life and you cannot place your values upon them just because you view yourself as righteous. What you come off as is “SELF RIGHTEOUS”.

    Belgium is not killing children you morons, they are allowing humans to make up their own minds about what values they place on life, which when you’re dying changes your whole value system. You people need to fully grasp what you are asking of the world, which is to abide by your supposed Christian values, when a good portion of the world does not believe in your religion nor value your values.

    This article is no more than a “Hit Piece” aimed at a gullible audience and you should be ashamed !!!

    • Actually, rumplystiltskin, you are the gullible moron, for believing the lie that life in general, especially “your own life” is of little value, and that you are a burden to all, and just need to “end it”. This kind of crap is happening all over the world. It matters not, that you are/are not a Christian, nor that you do/don’t believe in God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, because they do exist nonetheless and ALL will be judged accordingly.
      This article is not about the “killing of children” as you put it, but about giving even that choice to children. Just as it states, they are not considered of enough mind to vote, fully understand the consequences of sexual behavior, alcohol consumption, smoking, etc. so just how does it make sense to give them the option to willingly end their life? Sometimes, life IS pain, sometimes life IS suffering. Persevering through those things, especially having faith in God, makes us stronger in spirit, and able to endure. The teachings of this world and endless propaganda have made many people weak of mind/spirit, and thus they can’t cope with just about anything. You sound as if you are willingly accepting of that


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