By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 27, 2018  Updated: July 27, 2018 at 7:13 am EST

Christians in China are facing persecution and oppression by a Communist regime which is attempting to squash Christianity by force. Roughly thirty-four unofficial Protestant house churches in Beijing have signed a joint statement about the matter and sent it to authorities.

“The normal religious lives of believers have been violated and obstructed, causing serious emotional harm and damage to their sense of patriotism, as well as causing social conflict,” read the statement, as translated by Radio Free Asia.

The Pastors jointly detailed in their statement that when it comes to the arrest of pastors, the disruption of services, and the destruction of churches “the situation seems to be getting worse and worse.”

Furthermore, the underground pastors stated that they have the right to religious freedom as guaranteed by the country’s constitution. However, while they are trying to act upon that right, Communist authorities are attempting to silence them.

“The belief that religious believers are some kind of dissenting force, to be managed and rectified, or a target for containment or direct attack, is misguided, and a fundamental error.”

“House churches have a strong desire to contribute to a necessary dialogue to achieve better relations with the government in the new era.”

Just recently, on July 17th, 2018, Chinese authorities demolished yet another well-known Christian Mega Church because they wanted to use the land for other purposes.

“The latest crackdown against house churches in China is reflective of President Xi [Jinping]’s disregard for religious freedom. China is experiencing the worst Christian persecution since Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution,” said Gina Goh, International Christian Concern’s regional manager, in response to the incident.

Further, a Pastor, identified as Dong of Beijing Olive Tree Church, stated that the ministries are speaking out because they feel as though they must, or they’ll be wiped out.

“I think they have a mistaken understanding of us. We aren’t a cult, but a law-abiding group,” the pastor said.

“I hope they will act in accordance with the constitution and in accordance with the law.”

Remarkably, some of the Pastors also revealed that they believe Chinese police officers are monitoring their phones.

“There was a correspondent based in Beijing who wanted to come to one of our services, but the police got there first and wouldn’t let him come upstairs,” Xu revealed. “I’m certain that they got their information from listening in to our phone calls.”


  1. Chinese authorities are foolish to think that Christians are any threat to their country. Christians are peaceful and law abiding and have no desire to harm anyone.

  2. Poor Christian Chinese people! These evil Communist are horrible! Christians pray, we are under horrendous persecution! The one they hate is Jesus!

    • Please Father,, bless your children with an extra measure of your comfort and protection from the evil one. Break through the hate in the hearts of communist and let them see your love for them. Anita stand strong, you are in our prayers and all those on the front line sent to do His work. Words on our end can sound shallow but know we care. Blessings in Jesus name.


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