The cover of the Economist magazine for 2015 painted a very dark and grim picture for the future of mankind. However, the 2016 version shows an even worse fate. The Satanic Elite that runs our planet are gearing up to pull the plug using vast amounts of deception. Depicted not on the cover but later in the Economist Magazine for 2016 are space wars, the sun going dark, and World War 3.

Below is a brief breakdown of some of the symbolism that is directly depicted within this image. If you have some input – don’t be shy post a comment!

Economist Magazine
Economist Magazine

Scripture tells us of the events to come, and in scripture, it shows explicitly about the sun going dark, and the moon turning to blood. Located in Acts 2:20 –

The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come.

In the far left of the image, there is also a sign that states “Nuke Summit” and right above it there is a sign on the moon which shows an arrow and reads to Jupiter. Directly beneath it, Davos is firing ‘fiery arrows’ into the crowd below – and the scene looks as though a war is coming.

Interestingly enough, according to mythology; Jupiter is the “god of war.”

Jupiter is usually thought to have originated as a sky god. His identifying implement is the thunderbolt and his primary sacred animal is the eagle,[2] which held precedence over other birds in the taking of auspices[3] and became one of the most common symbols of the Roman army (see Aquila). The two emblems were often combined to represent the god in the form of an eagle holding in its claws a thunderbolt, frequently seen on Greek and Roman coins.[4] As the sky-god, he was a divine witness to oaths, the sacred trust on which justice and good government depend. Many of his functions were focused on the Capitoline Hill, where the citadel was located. He was the chief deity of the early Capitoline Triad with Mars and Quirinus.[5] In the later Capitoline Triad, he was the central guardian of the state with Juno and Minerva. His sacred tree was the oak.

The Romans regarded Jupiter as the equivalent of the Greek Zeus,[6] and in Latin literature and Roman art, the myths and iconography of Zeus are adapted under the name Iuppiter. In the Greek-influenced tradition, Jupiter was the brother of Neptune and Pluto. Each presided over one of the three realms of the universe: sky, the waters, and the underworld. The Italic Diespiter was also a sky god who manifested himself in the daylight, usually but not always identified with Jupiter.[7] Tinia is usually regarded as his Etruscan counterpart.[8]

Later on in Wikipedia it reads in the section Fetials

The fetials were a college of 20 men devoted to the religious administration of international affairs of state.[26] Their task was to preserve and apply the fetial law (ius fetiale), a complex set of procedures aimed at ensuring the protection of the gods in Rome’s relations with foreign states. Iuppiter Lapis is the god under whose protection they act, and whom the chief fetial (pater patratus) invokes in the rite concluding a treaty.[27] If a declaration of war ensues, the fetial calls upon Jupiter and Quirinus, the heavenly, earthly and chthonic gods as witnesses of any potential violation of the ius. He can then declare war within 33 days.[28]

The action of the fetials falls under Jupiter’s jurisdiction as the divine defender of good faith. Several emblems of the fetial office pertain to Jupiter. The silex was the stone used for the fetial sacrifice, housed in the Temple of Iuppiter Feretrius, as was their sceptre. Sacred herbs (sagmina), sometimes identified as vervain, had to be taken from the nearby citadel (arx) for their ritual use.[29]


Jupiter is often thought of as both the god of war and zeus, and their symbol is the “lightening bolt.” This clearly relates back to scripture – Jesus specifically states in Luke 10:18

18 And he said unto them, I saw Satan, like lightning, fall down from heaven.

To recap, there is a sign posted on the moon which reads “to Jupiter,” directly below that sign is another sign which reads “Nuke Summit.” Continuing directly below that there is another sign which reads “Davos” and depicted on the same road are men shooting “fiery arrows” above the crowd, and into the wilderness on the other side of the image.

Davos is located in Switzerland, home of CERN. In other words, the fiery arrows are being fired from the mountains of Switzerland, as a declaration of war against the people. Every time the Large Hadron Collider is turned on, pulses of magnetic energy are fired into the people of this planet, and that’s only the beginning of the “spiritual” or satanic science CERN conducts.

The Full Cover 2016
The Full Cover 2016

The connections are astounding, and the imagery depicted shows what is going on through levels, at the bottom is the distraction at the top is what is going on. It is no coincidence that this image is depicted this way.

Front Cover
Front Cover

There is far more to this picture, what did you see? Tell us in the comments below!


  1. it the full picture, in the right corner someone is holding up an Albanian flags. I’m curious as to what that is all about as I was a missionary in Albanian from 2001-2010….curious…..

  2. The only one we do not see is Donald Trump…obvious bias. However, it
    could be they all fall from grace (excepting Putin and Xiaping) and that
    would be truly prophetic. Trump doesn’t need that bunch.

  3. I took the picture a totally different way to me it’s showing the arrival of Planet 7x. First the sun is obviously being eclipsed by something, yet the moon is in another part of the sky. Also a pair of binoculars are being pointed at the moon which so happens to have a sign that’s pointing to Jupiter. The significance of this is I believe it’s describing a celestial event that comes straight out of Revelations 12. The woman giving birth is the constellation Virgo with the planet Jupiter aligned in Virgo’s belly, along with the moon at her feet. The crown I believe is the constellation Leo. The Sun that clothes the woman is a translation error, which should say illuminated object(Planet 7x). Forgive me for I’m doing this all from memory. If you want a better explanation read Gill Broussard’s Planet 7x ebook it’s free on the Internet. Side note this specific celestial event happens March 15/16, 2017 just saying.

  4. In the picture of the heads of the world, the Sun has rays around it which is the worship of the Sun God “Ra” which began with the golden calf of the Exodus and still goes further back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel which was destroyed during the Spring either at Passover or Pentecost.
    Also in the center the Chinese Tower represents the Obelisk which is symbolic of the male outer organs. The balloon to the right looks like a skull.

  5. Did you notice that Hillary, Obama and Merkel’s faces are in black and white, but Putin, Xi Jinping and Bill Clinton’s faces are in color…hmmm. Also in the bottom right, did anyone notice the Antichrist dressed in a suit and holding a briefcase? Check out his goat legs!

  6. If u look under the sun it’s a crescent which is normally a symbol of a certain religion under that is a Christian cemetery with 2 men and a bride in between them maybe it’s a reference to the bride of the Lord , it’s all subliminally crazy in that picture


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