By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: December 23, 2015  Updated: November 21, 2016 at 12:20 pm EST

Detroit, Michigan; what was once a beautiful city; filled with industrialization is now a destroyed city ravished by thugs, gangs, violence, bankruptcy, and, of course, the satanic church.

On December 19th the Nations very first state-sponsored satanic ceremony took place. No, it was not a private event held at a satanic venue; it took place on the steps of the State Capitol building in Lansing, Michigan. The satanic event only proves what dire times we as a nation are in.

While America’s court system is working overtime to rid America of God, prayer and Jesus while targeting Christians as “extremists.”we just experienced our first “state-sanctioned” Satanic Ceremony in history! On December 19th, 2015 the Satanic Temple of Detroit held a ceremony on the steps of the Capitol in Lansing, Michigan, making it their first ever State Sanction Satanic ceremony. In the video you will witness Satanists themselves hail Satan, raise their blackened American flags, and vow to bring their Satanic practices into American Schools, businesses, and to the WhiteHouse!

Works Cited

End Times Headlines. “The Nation’s First State-Sanctioned Satanic Ceremony Performed At The Michigan Capitol.” End Time Headlines. . (2015): . .


  1. Wow!! Everyday I learn more… Discover more evil… I never realized how deeply involved this evil runs until my eyes were opened! My prayer is for the gullible ones…. So many lies!!!
    Praise GOD & thankyou JESUS!!
    For thru him we “FEAR NOT!”

  2. Why isn’t anyone calling out the open satanic rituals that are going on world wide? Maybe they aren’t a obvious as the state capitol building, but these satanic rituals are going on behind closed doors in every building that allows it. These satanic rituals are being performed across the threshold of every home that is under lock and key. These satanic rituals come to you via video feeds that individuals watch through their luxurious t.v screens. The rituals performed are through music videos… singing and worshiping to their almighty and trusted god.

  3. my heart was bleeding for these fools. it hurt me badly to watch this and i hope people wake up before it is to late. humanity is in trouble. even so, come Lord Jesus!

  4. No matter how much I read about what is going to happen in the latter days. It still puts me it a state of shock as events come to pass. I find myself torn in these days. Jesus is our source of joy and rest. How is one suppose to have rest and joy with this stuff going on? My heart and my inner most being mourn for the lost.


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