By Stefan Schäfer, Lich - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 20, 2018  Updated: July 20, 2018 at 7:57 am EST

A Medical student in May 2018 gave a TEDX speech claiming that pedophilia is natural and likened it to heterosexuality.

Mirjam Heine, a medical student, was the speaker at the University of Würtzberg for TEDx, in which she claimed that pedophilia, in her view, is a natural sexual orientation not unlike heterosexuality.

“Anyone could be born a pedophile” she stated as the audience listened intensely. She then described the erotic attraction to underage children as an “unchangeable sexual orientation just like, for example, heterosexuality.”

While she did state that pedophilia is natural she also said it should not be conflated with child sexual abuse. The statement is conflicting because the law in many countries describes child sexual abuse as an adult making any sexual contact with a minor, which is, of course, legally classified as statutory rape.

Regardless of the outrageous point she is attempting to make in her speech, she did say that living out pedophilia “will end in a disaster.”

However, she later said that the reasoning for such is because of how society is unwilling to accept their deviant inclinations. Heine lamented pedophiles are unable to “be completely frank with someone else” about their attractions:

“We shouldn’t increase the sufferings of pedophiles by excluding them, by blaming and mocking them. By doing that, we increase their isolation and we increase the chance of child sexual abuse.

Just like pedophiles, we are not responsible for our feelings. We do not choose them … but it is our responsibility to … overcome our negative feelings about pedophiles and to treat them with the same respect we treat other people with.”

Heine neglects the reality that feelings and emotion do not depict morality because if such was the case insanity would rule the day.

It should also be noted TEDx decided to remove Heine’s talk from its official YouTube account, noting her comments could result in “serious misinterpretation.” Heine also wanted the video to be taken down “because she had serious concerns about her own safety in its wake.”


  1. The separation is in full swing and the enemy has surely blinded the minds of those who have rejected the truth of the gospel. The rebellion is as in the days of Noah.

  2. So God created everything purposefully and with an exact plan. Unless that thing goes against the narrow sighted idea of what you think is the truth. Honest question: For what amount of time does a species have to commit an act before it is considered a part of that species.

      • Book of Revelation. There are many more books therein such as what needs to be read in the bible.

      • Revelation or Revelations or many other books in the bible; there are multiple biblical verses indicating this level of insanity, confusion and intentional misdirection during the last days. Don’t get caught up in minor misspellings. Focus on the big picture and the spiritual warfare we’re currently experiencing worldwide.

  3. Using her simplistic logic murder is natural. Deceit and many other destructive behaviors is natural. We have written laws and every society on the planet forever has created checkpoints and control mechanisms to avoid and contain all these ‘natural’ behaviors.

  4. HERES the fly in the ointment,MY kids are MY KIDS,If I catch anyone molesting them,YOU WILL BE SKINNED ALIVE AND EATEN by the wild animals in the forest…But you child molesters do what you think you can get away with,FIND OUT IF I’AM KIDDING……MY kids have a DAD,and he hates child molesters…….

  5. I can tell you that eating is totally natural, but can I tell you that eating poisons will not kill you.

    Simply stated it is like this – Doing the things that G-d tells us not to do comes totally naturally, but those of us that want to be obedient to G-d, read and learn his teachings and then we work to suppress any of those things G-d does not approve of.

    If you want to stand on the fact that Sin is natural, then you are missing the entire lesson on the Meaning of Life.

  6. The best way to eradicate a divergent genetic line is to delete that whole genetic lineage. Until just the last 200 years if life couldn’t make it against the challenges it presents that genetic line would die out, but now with all our medical and mental health sciences, the do-gooders have managed to save those lines thus forcing all our genetics to the lowest common denominator.

    Thus you end up with a mentally challenged populace who are also easily controlled with minimal interference. One obvious genetic malfunction is what is happening within the Tranny community. If you people out there in La La Land do not get a grip on this concept, we will sink even further into genetic divergence. Do the Eloi and the Morlocks bring anything to mind ?

  7. The education system seems to empower these types of people who are selfdeluted and think that such behavior is a natural thing, they have no moral code in which to judge their actions because they have totaly rejected GOD’S LAWS and have made up their own, much to their own self destruction as they always spiral downward in their morality.


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